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I wake up and I head to my bathroom to have a shower. I have a shower and then find an outfit. I go downstairs and spot Carlie eating cereal. I make myself cereal and enjoy it. Carlie looks at me. She doesn't look great. Maybe she is the leader. I head to wait outside for Wyatt. He parks and I hop on. We drive to school. We park and go inside. I grab Wyatt's hand. As we walk inside I spot Carlie. 

I hear something and vampires run in. I gasp and they go on a rampage. They grab people and bite them. I spot Carlie and she faints. A vampire picks her up.... Chase? Oh fuck. They run with her in their arms. I gasp. "They took my cousin" I said. "Fuck" said Wyatt. Addison's mum runs in. "MONSTERS GET OUT!" yelled Mrs Wells. We rush out. "OK we need to stop this before we're punished" I said. Wyatt nods and we go back to his house. We sit down and I sigh. "She is the Queen!" I said. "She is. She hasn't looked right but now we have to go see" said Wyatt. I nod and over the weekend I got some new clothes. I left them here. I was meant to bring them home today. I go change.

I go out and Wyatt smirks

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I go out and Wyatt smirks. He kisses me. I kiss back. We go to the castle. We go inside and Carlie is sitting there. "This is Carlie Anderson. Take off your wig" said Charles. She does. "Put this on!" said Charles. 

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Holy fuck

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Holy fuck. Charles places a crown on her head. 

"I'm the Queen of freaks?! I hate this! Take this away!" said Carlie and hands him the crown

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"I'm the Queen of freaks?! I hate this! Take this away!" said Carlie and hands him the crown. Charles frowns. "Your the Queen. You are my mate!" said Charles. I gasp. "Carlie just listen to him" I said. "No! I am.... I will not be a Queen of FREAKS!" yelled Carlie. Charles takes her hand and looks into her eyes. "You take that necklace off you will die in the sun!" said Charles. "What" said Carlie. "You'll die. Your going to change into a Vampire" said Charles. She begins to cry. "Oh no" said Carlie. I sigh. "Carlie this is your life now" I said. "No. I do not accept it" said Carlie. I sigh. She runs out and the vampires go berserk. I sigh. Charles walks over to me. "You have a week to get her to accept this." said Charles. I nod and we leave. 

We back to the pack house and I lie on the sofa. "How am I meant to make her accept this?" I ask. "We will get her to accept" said Wyatt. He lies beside me and takes my hand. "Wyatt what if we don't.... what will he do to us?" I ask. "No idea but we will get it right" said Wyatt. I nod and kiss him. He kisses back. "Seriously the sofa?!" said Willa. We pull apart and laugh. I stand up. "I should go home" I said. They nod and Wyatt drops me home. I kiss his cheek goodbye and I go inside. "Where's Carlie?" I ask. "Her room" said dad. I nod and go upstairs. "Carlie... can we talk?" I ask. "No" said Carlie. I walk inside. "Carlie.... why don't you want to accept it?" I ask. "I just don't! Get out ya freak!" said Carlie. I go to my room and put on my pyjama's. Bed time.

I hate that I have to make Carlie accept it when I fucking hate her.

I hope you enjoyed!

I'm going to Wexford tomorrow so I might not be updating much or at all depending on INTERNET! So this could be the last chapter or next is the last. I don't know yet but yeah I'll let ya know on conversations!

Lorna x

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