13: Died in Your Arms Tonight

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So I just wanted to mention before I start, I'm really proud of the writing in this chapter. I heard the song "(I Just) Died in Your Arms" by Cutting Crew the other day and it inspired most of this chapter. So I hope you enjoy this, and thank you all so much for reading.

WARNING: This chapter contains some mildly sexual scenes. Please use discretion when reading.

Also: this chapter is from Castiel's point of view.

Sam was asleep in the backseat of the Impala, snoring softly into his arm.

I was driving, despite Dean's protests, and he was leaning on my shoulder. He was in a light sleep, loosely holding my hand.

I had offered to teleport us to the beach in South Carolina, but Dean and Sam insisted that we drive. So I humored them and we split the drive between the three of us, with Dean going first, then me, then Sam. Dean and I took the brunt of the time mostly because I couldn't get tired or fall asleep at the wheel, and Dean had an impressive endurance. For driving, of course.

We had left the bunker on Saturday afternoon, and it took us about two days to get to South Carolina. We stopped for gas and food, but we were able to drive through the night, thanks to me.

After a few several hours, I switched with Sam. Dean sat in the back with me, and laid his head on my lap. Before he fell asleep, he reached up and touched my face. He traced my lips with his fingertips and thumb, and I couldn't hide a smile.

His eyes closed eventually, and his body relaxed against mine. At first his sleep was dreamless, but it quickly morphed into a nightmare. His fingers twitched against mine, and his breathing quickened. He yelped and his body jerked against me and the seat.

"Cas," Sam said, concerned. "Is he alright?" He glanced back at us.

"He's having a nightmare," I explained. "He's going to be fine." I didn't know exactly what to do, but Dean told me he didn't need help stopping the nightmares. I didn't want to just sit there, so I rubbed the side of his face and quietly shushed him. "It's okay," I whispered. He leaned into my touch, and his fingers relaxed again in mine.

"Is he still asleep?" Sam asked, looking at me through the rearview mirror.

"Yes," I said plainly, glancing at Sam, then looked back at Dean. His eyes moved rapidly under his lids. I looked back up to Sam. "Why?"

"Come on," He said, as if it was obvious. "Are we going to talk about what you told me the other day?" He looked over his shoulder to change lanes.

I took a second to realize he was talking about our conversation in the kitchen. "Oh, um, no," I shook my head even though he couldn't see it. "I've already told you what I wanted to do."

He shook his head at himself. "Right," He nodded. "Have you started to plan how you're going to do it?"

I made a small sigh. "No," I traced Dean's lips with my thumb. "I'm not sure how I'll do it yet." [Fun fact: when i first wrote this line, i put phone instead of thumb and i laughed for a solid five minutes]

"I'm sure whatever you decide will be great," he nodded assuringly.

Dean sat up slowly. "What are we deciding?" He wiped his eyes and faced me. "Are we getting food?"

"No, we're ... driving," I pointed to Sam weakly. "To the beach. Remember?"

"Yeah, yeah," He nodded. "I -- I'm still tired." He grabbed my waist and dragged me towards him, forcing me to lay on my back. "Lay down," he mumbled. "I'm ... tired." He pushed his torso between my knees and laid on top of me, resting his head on my chest and relaxing his stomach against my hips.

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