Chapter 10

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Pha's pov:

He's huge! Why is he twice my size?! Zen yelled.

I don't know either. We'll just have to wait till he explains everything later on. I said.

We ate breakfast at the dining table together. Forth couldn't stop smiling the whole time.

I guess this is his first time eating with someone. Zen said sadly.

My hate towards those bastards is increasing day by day.

How could they treat him like that? So what if he couldn't shift? He's still their packmate and the alpha's son!

I was pulled out of my thoughts when dad called my name.

"Pha i need you to come with me today. There's something we need to do." He said.

"But what about..." I looked at Forth hesitantly.

"I'll keep him company. Kit and Yo will also be there right?" Mom spoke up.

"Yeah Beam and Ming will also be coming." Dad said.

Forth looked hesitant but nodded eventually.

I could tell zen also didn't like the idea of having to leave him. But dad wouldn't bring me Ming and Beam with him if it's no something really important. So i can't refuse either.

After breakfast i headed back to my room to change while mom brought Forth to the backyard where those four usually hang out.

"Where are we going today?" I asked dad after we finished getting ready.

"We are going to wipe out the blood moon pack." Dad said seriously.

I blinked.

"Wait we're going to war?! Dad are you sure about this?" I asked.

"Yes i am. Why? I thought you wanted to make them pay." He looked at me.

"I do but this is not a small conflict. That pack is the second strongest pack in the whole country. I know we could take them out but it's not going to be easy." I reasoned.

"I talked with some of the neighbouring packs. They are more than happy to help. This won't take too long." He said.

"How many packs are going to help us?" I asked.

"10."He said calmly.

" They have that many enemies?" I was shocked.

" yeah. From the looks of it, their packmates are not the only thing they've been abusing." He explained.

I nodded.

Pha i want to personally rip that alpha's head off. Zen growled.

Yeah. All of them are going to pay for what they did to Forth. I hissed.

I could feel zen's agreement.

Forth's pov:

Mom brought me to the backyard after breakfast.

When we got there, Kit and yo were sitting on the porch chatting.

"Kit! Yo!" mom called.

They turned around and instantly got up when they saw us.

"Aunty! Forth!" They shouted at the same time.

"Hey we are going to hang out with you guys today while the husbands work." Mom said happily.

"YESS!! WE CAN HANG OUT WITH FORTH!!" They jumped and clung to my arms.

Mom chuckled.

"Forth can you shift? Let's play!" Kit said cheerfully.

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