Chapter 28

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Forth's pov:

We walked into the mansion. It was unusually quiet. 

We could feel multiple strong dark energies but none tried to attack us. 

"Let's go to the strongest one here." I suggested. 

The other two nodded.

Knock looked a little drained so i was worried but i knew he wouldn't listen even if i told him to stay on the sidelines for now. 

We headed towards the strongest dark energy in the mansion. 

We stopped infront of huge double doors. 

They opened before we had the chance to open them. 

"Welcome. I didn't expect you to get this far so fast." A man who looked like he was in his late thirties was sitting behind the huge desk in the middle of the room. 

"Let me introduce myself. My name is satan." He smirked. 

One of the princes of hell.... Kai mumbled.

The scenery around us suddenly changed. 

Now we were in the middle of a large field. 

The sky was pitch black and there were no trees or any kind of life form anywhere in sight other than us. 

"So let's get this over with shall we?" He gathered dark energy. 

 The next moment, I was completely surrounded by darkness. 

Seems like you've had one painful past. I heard his voice.

Tell me, don't you want to kill them? They caused you so much pain. They are despicable people. 

I can help you get rid of  all of them. 

Just follow what i say. 

I sighed. 

"How am i going to kill them if they are already dead?" I asked calmly. 

I knew what he was trying to do. And i wasn't going to fall for it. 

There was silence for a few moments. 

But your parents aren't. They didn't kill them. They let them live. 

Why would they do that? Why would they let those people who hurt you live? If they love you so much shouldn't they have killed them off right away?

"Well if they killed them off, then they wouldn't be able to get any information out of them." I said calmly. 

I could tell he was starting to get irritated by my calm demeanor. 

The air around me was getting thicker and more sinister. 

Are you sure that's why they didn't kill them? What if they are just deceiving you? They are just acting nice because of your powers. They just want to use you.

"Ok that's enough." I snapped. 

I released a huge load of mana and the dark energy around me dispersed. 

I heard him click his tongue. 

"You're one hard headed bastard." He hissed.

I looked to my side and noticed Park and Knock are still trapped. 

DON'T LISTEN TO HIM! HE'S TRYING TO GET INTO YOUR HEAD! I shouted through the mindlink.

I could feel Park snap out of it. A moment later the dark sphere exploded and he was released. 

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