Prologue: Up in the Stars

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"Who are you?" Miara asked, her head cocked to the side in curiosity.

The woman then lifted her cape to reveal herself, she was a Togruta, Miara had guessed. She had blue eyes, orange skin with unique white markings, and three blue and white-striped lekkus draping down her shoulders and her back.

"I'm Ahsoka Tano, and if what I just saw back there was real, it seems that you may be in need of a teacher, youngling."



Miara sat on the roof of a building in the inner city parts of Thabeska, looking over the horizon at the ships coming in and out of the loading dock ahead. She comes to this spot to watch over the people as they go about their day. She watched as people come and go out of the small family shops, cantinas, and ships, as well as some hooded smugglers in the alleyways who, although she doesn't know exactly what they're up to, know that they aren't up to anything too good. At only ten years old, she couldn't do much work and be helpful while doing it, so she always had a fair amount of spare time on her hands to people-watch.

"Miara! Miara where are you?!" a voice called out.

"Coming!" she said as she shimmied down the drain pipe she used to climb up.

She walked towards a woman she'd known as Piala. She was an older woman, with thin grey hair and a sun spotted, wrinkled, kind face. Piala was left with the task to take care of Miara, as she was the one who had found her on her doorstep one late night when her parents had abandoned her as a baby. And she always had owned up to the task.

"Dinner is ready, you must be starving," she said as Miara grabbed her hand, and the two made their way inside.

Miara and Piala lived modestly, as Piala had a not-so-popular shop with a scarce number of visitors. Possibly the odd bounty hunter in need of parts to repair their ship, or a farmer who needed a spare converter for their droid, but other than that, most of the day was peacefully quiet. Miara sat on the floor in the spare room attached to the shop as Piala placed her bowl in front of her. Piala sat in silence while listening to Miara go on and on of all the people she had seen and what assumptions she made of what they were doing, or where they were going.

After dinner, Miara had made way up to the roof once more, she had always loved watching the sun set on the dusty planet. The sun fell low below the horizon as the sky turned shades of pink and violet. She had always thought of what else could be beyond the little planet she was stuck on. Miara wanted nothing more than to stow away on a passing ship and watch the stars pass her by. To see all of the planets of the inner rim that she had heard so much about through the mouths of the adventurers that she so wanted to be. Miara was stuck inside of her daydream until she was snapped out of it by a feeling that she had not felt in a while. She had these feelings, this sense of something she couldn't exactly describe, but she's been used to it since she was a toddler, with incidences of things lifting on their own whenever she had  dropped something on herself or having a fit when Piala told her to come inside. Or sensing when a fight broke out in the streets. She knew nothing of what it was, all she knew is that in this moment she felt something she had never felt before, but at the same time, it felt so familiar. She had turned her head away from the sky to see a ship landing in the loading dock. It was a thin ship, white and red, and shaped slightly like a triangle, but upright, nothing like the bulky ships she usually sees. She watches as a person in armour steps out of it, it isn't shiny like others she's seen. Miara notices that it almost looks as if it was painted, colours of blue and red on their shoulders. She also noticed the T-shaped visor on the colourful helmet they were wearing. She had never seen anything like it before. She wanted to get closer and talk to the stranger, but her curiosity was interrupted by a crash happening beneath her. Her skin got cold, something was happening, something bad.

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