Chapter Three: Flyboy

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Miara stared down at her drink while eavesdropping on the two men a few seats down from her. Making sure the coast was clear so she could take a look at the boy again, her eyes widened at the man that he was talking to. She could tell with a quick sizing up that this man was a bounty hunter, her stomach dropped a little when she noticed a small patch on his right arm depicting the symbol of the Galactic Empire. Now, she was concerned, not only for herself, as having her sabers on her right now puts her at risk but also, if what she assumed about the boy was true, he might be in just as much danger too. And he didn't even know it.

"Well? Are you gonna answer my question? O'mara! Get this boy some Jet juice" the man gestured towards the bar. "I'll go first, I'm Irzan Lon"

"Ben." the boy answered quickly

"Got a last name? Ben?" Irzan asked, slyly offering his hand out toward the boy

"Ben Solo" the boy said, grabbing Irzan's hand and shaking it cautiously.

Solo. Miara racked her brain to try and figure where she had heard that name before. And then it clicked, SOLO. As in Han Solo? The smuggler turned General of the Rebel Alliance? Miara had heard stories about him through sources in local shops or cantinas. She didn't know much about the man. Only that he was the first person to make a kessel run in under 14...maybe 12, parsecs. But she also knew one thing for sure, almost no one, at least no one who wasn't a dangerous smuggler, or criminal liked Han Solo. He'd crossed too many people to be respected in certain communities. Looking to her left once more, she focused more on the bounty hunter, reading his expressions as he eyed Ben Solo with a menacing glare. She didn't need to use the Force to see his intentions weren't good, if he wasn't up to something before, after hearing who Ben was affiliated with, he sure was now. Her eyes trailed down to Ben's waist, where she caught a glimpse of a silver hilt of some sort. And as Ben shifted in his seat, the hilt was fully revealed, if only for a second.

She knew it. Ben Solo was a Jedi.

In an instant she knew exactly what she needed to do. Ahsoka had trained her to understand that sometimes she needed to make quick, impulsive decisions to survive. Sometimes there was no time to think things through. And in this case, her gut was telling her that this was one of those times. Miara got up, turned on her good acting skills, and approached Ben.

"Ben? Oh my maker, it really is you!" She said as she put her hand on his shoulder, "I haven't seen you in so long!" Ben looked at her with the most confused face she had ever seen, but she didn't falter. She looked Ben straight in the eyes and made a quick glance at the bounty hunter, hoping her gaze would give him the message to just trust her in order to make their escape from a sticky situation. And thankfully, in a single moment, Ben gave her a look of understanding. In just a few emotive looks, they were on the same page.

"It's been too long," he said as he flashed her a toothy smile, his demeanor almost changing immediately.

"How about you and I get out of here and catch up?" she said as she grabbed the credits from her bag and slammed them on the table, waving goodbye to O'mara, who looked silently concerned, like she knew too.

"Excuse me," Izran spoke coldly, "I believe my friend and I were having a conversation."

"Well I guess you'll have to continue it another time," She spat. Miara's tone was filled with sass but she spoke with a kind face, a poor attempt to keep her cool. She ushered Ben out of his seat with a final goodbye to Izran, "See ya." Miara grabbed Ben's hand as hastily as they made their way out of the rowdy cantina. Miara's expression changed immediately from a smile to a concerned look.

"You just put yourself in a lot of danger, Solo."

"And you are?" he asked with a raised brow as he stopped dead. Pulling Miara, who was still holding his hand, back into an alleyway.

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