Chapter Five: The Skywalker's

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Miara escorted Ben to the cockpit at the head of the ship. Miara dreaded the conversation she would have to have with Ahsoka; although she was already pretty understanding, she would not be too happy about having to leave earlier than expected. As Ben entered the room behind Miara, he took a moment to look around the cockpit. It reminded him a lot of his father's ship, except it was smaller and obviously didn't have wookie hair all over the seats along with the signature dice hanging from the dash. Strangely, it brought Ben this sense of nostalgia and comfort of when he was a little boy, it felt like a home.

"Hey Ahsoka," Miara said to the back of a chair placed at the control panel. Ahsoka, Ben felt he recognized that name.

"So, what happened back there Miara? It'd better be important enough to expose yourself like that in such a dangerous place." Ahsoka flipped on some switches on the dash as Miara explained the recent events, then she turned around to face Ben and Miara, she tilted her head in curiosity, staring at Ben, making him fidget. "I see. A force user?"

"Yes, I'm a Jedi... in training." Ben said to the togruta.

"And what's your name young Jedi?"

"Ben Solo-Organa ma'am" Ben said nervously, he didn't know why he was so formal about his name towards the captain, it's just that she oozed this nature that he knew needed to be respected. Ahsoka was an older Torguta, her long lekku draping just to her thighs and slight wrinkles presenting themselves on her forehead and around her eyes.

"Organa... Organa! You must be Bail's daughters son, correct?" She lit up.

"Yes, my mother is Leia Organa—"

"Of course! Me and your grandfather were close partners during the rule of the Empire, he was the legacy that your mother soon followed after his death. He recruited me all those years ago into the rebellion, nice family." She rambled on, "So Ben, what brought you away from your temple? I suppose your master must be worried about where you ended up?"

"He came from Yavin 4," Miara chimed in.

"Yes, Yavin 4, a classmate and I were running some errands for the temple until we got separated. I got into some trouble and Miara saved me," Ben looked over at Miara, "multiple times."

"She's always been a helpful one," Ahsoka laughed as Miara rolled her eyes in embarrassment. "Well Ben, your master must be worried about you, so how about we send a transmission to Yavin 4 and get you home?"

Ben's heart sank a little at Ahsoka's words. Truth be told, he didn't want to go "home". He would've preferred to stay here with Miara, who of course, he'd only known for a few hours. It was dumb, but he felt so nice with Miara by his side, and her crew was nice enough, he could just say no and stay with them if they'd let him. But then again, why would he want to stay with people he'd just met? But the voices in the back of his mind told him otherwise.

"You'd just be a burden to them."

"They'd see how powerful you can be and fear the monster you are."

"They would leave you behind the second that you turned your back."

Ben's hopeful thoughts were drowned out by the grim voices that constantly lurked, frankly, he believed they were right. He had no place here, he'd have to go back, that's what he had to do.

"Alright." Ben sighed, he caught Miara looking at him from the corner of his eye, she looked almost concerned. Ben stepped forward towards Ahsoka to reach the transmission board.

"So who am I sending this off to anyways?" Ahsoka asked

"Luke Skywalker, and his Jedi academy." Ben said. Ahsoka took a short breath in and froze, Ben looked over to see her face in shock and confusion, he turned to see Miara's eyes widen, almost popping out of her head. "What?"

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