Chapter 40

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I do not know where I am or how long it's been since they have taken me into this dark vile place. They have deprived me of food and sleep. They would question me at any given time.

Asking me questions about witchcraft and if anyone has recruited me. The only answer I could give them is that I am not a witch. I just wish they would believe me.

"Why are you doing this to me?" I ask, as the man interrogating me circles around me like a predator. My eyes are so heavy, my stomach is growling in hunger and I'm scared of what it will do to my unborn child.

"You have been suspected of witchcraft. The evidence is as follows: you have been seen writing in your left hand; you have been scouring manuscripts about the heretics, and possibly manipulation with magic on Giuliano de Medici."

My arms feel tired even when I'm barely doing anything. I cannot focus much on his words but enough to hear my accusations. "I'm from England, knowing the history of my country is not a crime," I said weakly.

"What about your manipulation of Giuliano de Medici?"

"I did no such thing, please let me go." I pleaded, voice still cracking from lack of water and hunger.

"Ah, excuses. Do you not have any other for the first accusation?"

My Aunt Simona has warned me of this. However, I could not recall any events where I was caught writing in my left hand. Not even Giuliano knows that. Suddenly, I remember a moment when I did write discreetly in public. It was when Lorenzo asked me to go to Venice.

I wrote a note to Semiramide as discreetly as I can and if someone would catch a glimpse of it, it would be none other than Lucrezia. Especially the way she studies me whenever I'm around her."I do not write in my left hand." I lied.

"Prove it then."

He places a quill, ink, and paper in front of me. The darkroom is only lighted by the one candle in the middle of this dark room and looking at the items in front of me, I feel that my doom may come upon me. "I am weak, Messer. I cannot bring myself to write nor use my hand as normal as I would be. I'm too hungry and sleep-deprived."

"Do it now!" He exclaims, his voice echoes throughout the room, making me flinch as my ears ring.

Not seeing any choice, I try my best to write using my right hand. It's too shaky but I try my best to write as well as I can. When it was finished, he left me in the room.

Despite how dreary the situation is, I'm still thankful that I am not living at a time where torturing devices are used in interrogation. As I lean on the cold hard wall, I gently caress my baby and whisper. "Forgive me, my child. Please hold on. Stay strong."

I feel too weak. Laying on the cold floor, I find myself no longer caring about the dirt or how chilly it is despite only wearing my camicia. I am dozing off when I heard the doors squeak open.

A man came toward me. I expected him to bring me up to a chair and interrogate me, instead, I found myself being carried by a strong man. I'm too weak to see clearly but for some reason, I feel relief.

"How dare you!" An angry voice suddenly brings me back to consciousness. When I open my eyes, it's Giuliano talking to his brother. "How can you let this happen to my fiancé? She's carrying my child!"

"I did not know! I did no such thing!" Lorenzo whispers harshly.

"The inquisitors mention you by name, brother." He hissed.

"I do not know what you're talking about, but I assure you it is not me. I would do nothing to harm her." Looking at Lorenzo's eyes, I can tell that he is telling the truth. I know he would not have the heart to do such a thing unprompted. His eyes then noticed me, then makes his brother turn towards me.

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