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i am a bouquet of flowers
so beautiful and fragile
and i have an expiration date

i see someone who's upset
and i hand them one flower
a piece of my soul
it cheers them up
but only until
that piece of me wilts away

i am a bouquet of flowers
but i give myself away
flower by flower
petal by petal

i am almost out of flowers
only a couple left
i savor as much of myself as i can
but i notice someone in a corner
crying their heart out
i hand them a flower

i only have one flower left
a singular rose
so precious
so beautiful
so fragile
too fragile

i am a wilted flower
something that was so beautiful and delicate
but wounded by the things around it

i am a wilted flower
i used to be so lively and loved
but now my petals are dry and rough
and my leaves are falling off

i am a wilted rose
but i am suddenly given a flower
a wonderful pansy
so new
so fresh
so beautiful

i look over to see
someone with many pansies
a bouquet

they are a bouquet of flowers
and they are willing to give me one
they are willing to lend me their flowers
they are willing to help

i am a wilted flower
but i can be renewed

and im willing to learn
how to live again
like a beautiful bouquet of flowers

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