chapter thirty three

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Laura's POV

Ross: why? Is this payback for Maia?

I finally pushed Chase off of me.

Laura: he kissed me I promise I would never kiss him or anyone but you .

Ross: really?

Chase: no she wanted to kiss me.

Ross: shut up Chase!

Laura: I promise I would never kiss anyone but you.

Ross: ok I trust you

Then he comes up to me and hugs me. After the hug we kept walking this girl kept following us. I turn around to face her.

Laura: do you need something?

????????: well can I have him?

She points to Ross.

Laura: why?

????????: he's what I need.

Ross: leave me alone Michelle.

Laura: you know her?

Ross: when you were in the bathroom she came up to me and started hitting on me and now won't leave me alone.

Laura: please leave us alone.

Michelle: (laughs) funny you think it's that easy.

Laura: let's go Ross.

Ross: ok

We start running I take a quick turn into the trees. Ross follows. I climb one of the trees to the top and pull Ross up. The girl passes our tree and then we get down quietly and run out of there then head to the house.

We finally get to the house walk in and close and lock the door. No ones home. I wonder why. Ross and me walk up to his room and I flop onto his bed he falls on top of me.

Laura: this is comfortable.  I said sarcastically.

Ross: well for me it is. He chuckles

Laura: get off .

Ross: I like it here so nah.

Laura: get off or im gonna have to push you off.

Ross: I'd love to see you try.

Then I start "pushing" him off of me. Oh my god he's so heavy. 

Laura: Ross please I kiss you if you get off.

Ross: ok

He gets off of me and I run down the stairs.

Ross: hey! Not fair!

Laura: you gotta find me if you want a kiss. I laugh.

I run into the pantry and close the door.

Ross: Laura?

I try my hardest not to giggle or laugh. I accidentally step on the chips you here a huge pop cause the bag was closed, well before I steped on it I giggle. Anyways Ross must've heard cause he started walking in the direction of the pantry.  He opened the door and I laugh.

Ross: your not very good at being stealthy.

Laura: I know.

Ross: well im expecting something.

I peck him on the cheek and giggle.

Ross: thats all I get?

Laura: well what were you expecting?

Ross: well more the a peck on the cheek.

Laura: well show me what you wanted.

Ross: something like this.

He kisses me, passionately I might add. It turns into a full blow make-out session.  A make-out session with Ross in the pantry. We should get out of the pantry. I pull away.

Laura: can we not make-out in a pantry?  I giggle.

Ross chuckles and nods he starts kissing me again and mumbles to jump. I do so and he carries me to his room.  We make-out in here instead.

I didn't realize how long we've been kissin cause I hear the door open. We pull apart.

Ross: let's go downstairs.

Laura: yeah.

End of POV


~ two months later~

Ross's POV

Me and Laura have been accident free for the past two months and I'm so happy. I'm glad Laura's parents are in Italy cause if they didn't I guarantee we wouldn't be together or friends for that matter. Right now we're at graduation Rydel was in a college program here so she technically didn't go here. Rocky was in a college program at Ryland's school. It's me and Laura's graduation.  They call me up.

Principal: Ross Lynch.

I walk up. He hands me a diploma.

Ross: thank you.

I walk down. After a few people they call Laura up.

Principal: Laura Marano

She walks up they hand her a diploma and she walks down and sit next to me. After they've called everyone. Everyone in the room gets up and leaves. We go outside and take pictures after that Laura and me go into my car and drive home. Once we get inside I suggest we go downstairs to watch tv or a movie. Laura agrees we go downstairs and watch my favorite movie "Romeo and Juliet".

End of POV

Hey guys im gonna write a few more chapters of this book today and then I'm gonna end it. I'll write a sequel but I need help figuring out a name. Cause when I first wrote this book this was the best name I could think of . Anyways dont forget to vote and comment.  Bye loves



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