Part 1: Intro

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*Callum sitting at his desk. Rayla is still sleeping in her bed.*

Callum: *angrily crumples up drawing and throws it to the ground to join the mountain of crumpled-up paper. Mutters to self*

*Rayla yawns*

Rayla: *rubbing her eyes* Callum? *blinks* Er, what are ya doing?

Callum: Sorry Rayla. I didn't mean to wake you up. I was just trying to draw something.

Rayla: What are you trying to draw? *awake now, comes over*

Callum: Ezran had this dream-

Rayla: Hm, Taffy Hippo come back again? 

Callum: .. What?

Rayla: *smiles* Nothing. Go on.

Callum: Well, he had this dream about Claudia.

Rayla: What about her?

Callum: *sigh* Apparently, in the dream she kept asking about this rune. Also, her eyes were black so that means we know she was in dark magic mode.

Rayla: And ....what does that  mean?

Callum: I don't know. Could be a sign for something or it could have been a nightmare, we're not sure. But I'm drawing the scene for Ez so that he could maybe figure it out.

Rayla: Has anyone checked on her cell?

Callum: Ez sent Soren down this morning.

Rayla *nods. Leans on the chair to look over at his current drawing* I hate that human girl. She tried to take ya away from me.

Callum: *laughs* You know, technically you stole ME from HER.

Rayla: I still hate her. *smiles innocently*

Callum: Are you saying that you love me?

Rayla: No, idiot, I'm saying I don't like the girl who used to like you.

Callum: Hm, so a yes. 

Rayla: *rolls her eyes* Whatever . . . 

Callum: *puts hand to ear* I'm sorry, WHAT WAS THAT?!

Rayla: *laughs* IF YOU DIDN'T HEAR I'M NOT TELLING YOU *Chucks pillow at him*

Callum: *retaliates by throwing pillow a her, they both continue yeeting pillows*

(Ezran walks in with Bait, looks around, they both share a '-_-' look)

Ez: GUYS. 

Callum: Sorry Ez. What's up?

Ez: How is it that the room is always destroyed before 8:30? *shakes head* Anyway, Opeli says breakfast is almost ready, come down once you're dressed. 

Rayla: We'll be there in a minute.

Bait: *grunts*

Ez: *snorts* Yeah, me too Bait.

Callum: What'd he say?

Ez: *grins* Just something. *exits*

Rayla: *turns to Callum* We better go down.

Callum: *mutters* Well now I really want to know what Bait said . . . 

(Close curtain between two beds and start getting dressed)

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