Part 14: Home, Home again

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(Scene resumes at Castle where portal opens up again and everyone falls on top of each other again. XD)

Claudia: Ouch. Soren!

Rayla: We did it! We're alive! Oh, you guys. *hugs everyone. Everyone suffocates* Thank you SO much.

Opeli: *comes running down the outdoor steps* You guys! How was the mission?

Callum: *laughing* You couldn't hear Rayla?

Rayla: WE'RE ALIVE!!!

Opeli: I can see that. But you won't be much longer If you don't come and eat something.

(dining hall)

Soren: Ahhhhh... *sits down and stuffs face with bread* dis isf bett-a.

Opeli: *Sits down with them* Now tell me everything.

Rayla: *tells her everything* -so it turns out that the Sorcerer was-

Soren: *quietly* mom.

Opeli: What? You met Lissie.

Claudi: D-dad killed her, kind of.

Opeli: I heard about that. I wasn't sure if it was true . . .

Rayla: I just can't believe it. Any of it.

Callum: *smiles but doesn't look up from food* I know.

(flash to that night. Rayla and Callum are both in their beds)

Rayla: Callum?

Callum: Yes?

Rayla: I want to answer you're question.

Callum: What question?

Rayla: The question about us devoting ourselves further. And I think, yes. Some day.

Callum: *smiles slightly to self* Okay then. I'll settle for that.

Rayla: Kay, night.

Callum: Night. 

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