Part 3: The Truth comes out

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Rayla: *pacing* Okay. Well, the truth is . . . . I have another binding.

Callum: Another- Oh. Was it to kill me?

Rayla: No, nothing like that. *sits down, pulls off her right boot to reveal another binding on her ankle. The flesh around it is slightly purple. The binding is slightly different from common elvish silver bindings. There is a pattern of two little gold vines around entwining each other*

Ez: *looks at Rayla's ankle* Yep, that's a binding. OK well this isn't great but all that will happen is your foot will fall off, right?

Rayla: Let me explain. At birth, every Moonshadow elf is given this binding. It's like getting your name. This is a certain kind . . . the consequences are a lot worse.

Ez: Death?

Rayla: *nods slowly*

Callum: Waaaaaiit. What does this one do? Like what promise did you make?

Rayla: *sigh* To never be associated with humans.

Callum: And while you've been living with us at the castle-

Rayla: I've been surrounded by humans, called them my friends, and enjoyed their company. It kept getting tight and tighter. *bows head* I'm sorry I didn't tell you about this earlier. It had hurt before but I thought the laws had been changed, Xadia and the human kingdoms have a half-truce.

Callum: But why do you have to leave?

Rayla: The idea was that if the elf became associated with humans, it was also the town's fault for not raising them correctly so when I die, everyone in the country town or kingdom I am in will also die. If I stay, Katolis will fall.

Callum: *stands up* No they won't and neither will you.

Rayla: Callum-AH! *grabs foot and falls over*

Callum: *rushes over*

Rayla: *groans in pain* You can't help me. *tear rolls down cheek*

Soren: Actually . . . . I think we can. My sister could be of some use right about now.

Rayla: *disgusted* Not that filthy little-

Soren: That's still my sister you're talking about.

Rayla: But it's dark ma-

Callum: Do you want to live or not?

Rayla: *looks down and stone floor* Yes . . .

Ezran: Well, then lets go. 

Everyone: *looks at each other* 

Everyone: *starts to follow, Callum and Soren helping Rayla walk*


(Ez, Soren, Callum and Rayla (Callum helping Rayla walk) arrive in the dungeon. Claudia in her cell)

Claudia: Well look who finally showed up. *to Callum* You missed me, didn't you.

Callum: I already have a girlfriend, Claudia.

Claudia: Pfft. Like that's gonna last.

Rayla: *Starts toward Claudia* You listen to me you thieving- *Falls onto the stone floor. Everyone rushes over to help* I DON'T NEED HUMAN BOYS TO LOOK AFTER ME!

Claudia: *purses lips mockingly* Was that supposed to be intimidating? Cause, ha, it really wasn't.

Rayla: *really angry, but then starts moaning again*

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