Skin (2)

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Great old big brother Sammy decided to wake me up at 5:30 in the morning. He told Dean to drive back to Zach's house, so here we are, at Zach's house, at 5:30. We got out of the Impala as Dean complained.

"Alright what are we doing here at 5:30 in the morning?"

"I realized something, the video tape shows the killer going in, but not coming out."

"So he came out the back door." Dean suggested taking a sip from his coffe. I quickly stole the cup and took a quick sip too before handing it back.

"Right, so there should be a trail to follow, a trail the police would never pursue." Sam declared.

"Cause they think the killer never left, they caught your friend Zach inside." I answered.

"Still don't know what we are doing here at 5:30 in the morning." Dean mumbled to me as I nodded.

Suddenly Sam stopped and stared at the telephone pole. He looked over at us.

"Blood, somebody came this way." He said gesturing to the hand print with his head.

"Maybe the trail ends, I don't see anything over here." Dean mentioned still nursing his cup of coffee.

Suddenly an ambulance speed by us with their sirens wailing. I looked at my brothers as we hopped back into the car.

"What happened?" I asked a jogger as we made it to the scene.

"He tried to kill his wife, tied her up and beat her."


She nodded.

"I used to see him going to work in the morning, he'd wave, say hello, he seemed like such a nice guy."

I looked over at my brothers. Sam and I walked to the back of the building to try and find a trail. He lifted the lids to garbage bins to find nothing.

"Hey, remember when I said this wasn't our kind of problem?" Dean said breaking the silence between Sam and I.

"Yeah?" We said in unison.

"Definitely our kind of problem, I talked to the patrolman who was first on the scene, he heard this guy Alex's story, apparently the dude was driving home from a business trip when his wife was attacked." Dean informed us.

"So he was two places at once." Sam connected.

"Exactly, then he sees himself in the house, police think he's a nutjob."

"Two dark doubles attacking loved ones in exactly the same way." I observed outloud.

"Could be the same thing doing it too." Dean remarked.

"Shapeshifter?" I asked.

"Something that can make itself look like anyone." Sam said agreeing with me.

"Every culture in the world has a Shapeshifter lore, legends of creatures who can transform themselves into animals or other men, skinwalkers, werewolves." Dean explained.

"Two attacks within blocks of each other, I'm guessing we got a shapeshifter problem in the neighborhood." I commented.

"Let me ask you guys this, in all this shapeshifter lore, can any of them fly?" Sam asked walking back over to behind the house.

"Not that we know of."

"I picked up a trail over here, someone ran out the back of this building, headed off this way."

Harley Winchester - Season 1- Supernatural Rewrite Where stories live. Discover now