We made it back over to the Impala, as soon as Dean saw me he jogged over and pulled me into that tight, "let me make sure my heart is still beating," hug.
We made it back to the motel room where I sat next to Sam on the motel bed as Dean paced.
"So Roy really believes." I commented.
"I don't think he has any idea what his wife's doing." Dean stated.
"Well, we found this hidden in their library, it's ancient, written by a priest who went dark side, theres a binding spell in here, for trapping a reaper." Sam said taking out the small book and handing it to Dean.
"Must be a hell of a spell." He noted sitting down across from us.
"Yeah, you got to build a black altar with seriously dark stuff, bones, human blood, to cross a line like that, that preacher's wife, black magic, murder, evil."
"Desperate." I changed.
"Her husband was dying, she'd have done anything to save him, she was using the binding spell to keep the reaper away from Roy." Dean told us.
"Cheating death, literally." Sam finished.
"Okay but Roy is alive, so why is she still using the spell?" I asked my older brothers.
"Right, to force the reaper to kill people she thinks are immoral." Sam added.
"God save us from half the people who think they're doing God's work." Dean muttered.
"We got to break that binding spell boys." I concluded looking at my brothers.
Dean ran his fingers over that same stupid cross image.
"You know, Sue Ann had a Coptic cross like this when she dropped it, the reaper backed off."
"So you think we got to find the cross or destroy the altar?" Sam asked us.
"Both wouldn't hurt." I smirked.
"Whatever we do, we'd better do it soon, Roy's healing Layla tonight."
Dean got up off the bed and put away the book.
Parking outside of the tent, I looked around to see another car along with the sheriff's.
"That's Layla's car, she's already here."
"Dean." I warned because I knew what was coming just by the tone of his voice.
"If Roy, would've picked Layla instead of me, she'd be healed right now."
"Dean don't." I commanded not wanting to hear this.
"And if she's not healed tonight, she's gonna die in a couple months."
"What's happening to her is horrible, but what are you gonna do, let somebody else die to save her, you said it yourself Dean, you can't play God." Sam declared.
Dean exited the car as we followed.
Walking around the tent and towards the entrance I could hear the Reverend speaking.
"Boy's, where's Sue Anne?" I asked not finding her in the tent we were peaking into.
We walked away from the entrance.
"Go find Sue Anne, we'll catch up." Dean said grabbing my hand and pulling me out of the shadows and in front of the sheriff's.
"I needed you to come because I knew you'd have fun." He whispered down to me with a smirk before he yelled out.

Harley Winchester - Season 1- Supernatural Rewrite
FanfictionHi, I'm Harley Winchester. Yes Dean named me, what a weirdo. I'm the Winchester's younger sister. John found me and took me in. Sam and Dean treat me like I'm blood. My brothers mean the world to me. I would die for them. Don't believe me, just read...