Nightmare (Final Part)

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I took of my hands from Sam's head as he thanked me for taking away some of the pain.

I sat in the backseat as he climbed to the front. Dean was already going back to Max's house as Sam told him about the vision.

"Max is doing it, everything I've been seeing."

"You sure about this?" Dean asked.

"Yeah, we saw him." Sam said gesturing to me.

"How's he pulling it off?"

"I don't know, it looked like telekinesis."

"So he's psychic, he's a spoon bender?"

"I didn't even realize it, but this whole time, he was there, he was outside the garage when his dad died, he was in the apartment when his uncle died, these visions,  I wasn't connecting to the Miller's, I was connecting to Max."

I thought back to when I didn't want to be near the kid, but I felt drawn to him. I was connected to Max in my own way. I was connected to something evil, does that mean, I'm evil, is it in my blood?

"The thing I don't get is why man, I guess because we're so alike?"

I stayed silent, I don't think my brothers would connect what I was saying to them. About being drawn to Max. I didn't want them to think I'm evil. I mean Missouri told me, I was good, but all it took was one action to make me bad. It was in my veins.

"What are you talking about, the dudes nothing like you." Dean defended.

"We both have psychic abilities, we're both-" but Dean cut Sam off.

"Both what, Sam, Max is a monster, he's killed two people, now he's gunning for a third."

"Well with what he went through, the beatings, to want revenge on those people, I'm sorry guys, I hate to say it but it's not insane."

I was thinking the same thing, Sam just had the guts to say it.

My breath was getting shaky as I thought. I'm connected to an evil person, he's killed people, that makes him evil, why did I feel drawn to evil?

"Yeah but it doesn't justify murdering your entire family, he's no different than anything else we've hunted, all right, we got to end him."

"We're not gonna kill Max."

"Then what, hand him over to the cops and say, 'lock him up, officer he kills people with the power of his mind.'"

"Forget it, no way man."


"Dean, he's a person, Babe and I will talk to him, hey promise me you'll follow my lead on this one."

My head shot up to my name. Sam wanted me to talk to him? I guess we were alike, I was just scared.

"All right fine, but I'm not letting him hurt anybody else."

Dean opened up the dashboard, pulled out his gun and got out of the Impala. I followed in pursuit taking deep breaths. I felt like I couldn't hurt Max, I didn't want to, even if he was evil. But I knew if my brothers were in danger my eyes would turn red, and I wouldn't be able to control what I actually wanted to do.

Dean busted the door open.

"What are you doing here?" Max said as he had tears in his eyes.

It was playing out just like Sam's vision. I felt the pull towards Max again, but I fought it.

"Uh, sorry to interrupt." Dean chuckled dryly.

"Max could we, uh could we talk to you outside for just one second." Sam asked the boy.

Harley Winchester - Season 1- Supernatural Rewrite Where stories live. Discover now