Dad left and I didn't get to ask him any of the many questions I had. All because I was bleeding out and couldn't keep my eyes open, but that was weeks ago. I still had one bandage left on my arm, which Dean thought would be funny to sign. So I have Sam and Dean written on my bandage, not even a cast.
I was sitting in the backseat of the Impala, staring out the window as Sam snored loudly. Dean looked back at me and then back to Sam.
"Oh No, Dean Winchester, don't you start."
"What, but Bean." He whined back.
"Dean Winchester, if I end up with green hair again instead of it's natural black, you are so going to get it."
Dean picked up a plastic spoon and stuck it in Sam's mouth as he snickered. I tried to hide my smile at the sight of my older brother, but I know Dean saw.
He then brought out his phone and snapped a picture as I giggled.
He looked back at me and pointed towards his ear. I covered my ears already knowing what he was going to do. He raised the music all the way up and sang as I joined in laughing. Sam shot up and yanked the spoon out of his mouth.
"Ha ha, very funny." Sam sarcastically replied as he turned down the music. I uncovered my ears and giggled.
"Sorry." Dean half-heartedly apologized.
"No you're not." I smiled.
"No I'm not, not a lot of scenery here in East Texas, you kind of got to make your own." Dean laughed again.
"Man, we're not kids anymore Dean, we're not gonna start that crap up again."
Ahhh, the great prank wars.
"Start what up?" Dean asked.
"That prank stuff, it's stupid and it always escalates."
I hated the green hair.
"Ah, what's the matter Sammy, you afraid you're gonna get a little nair in your shampoo again?" Dean taunted.
"All right, just remember, you started it."
"Oh, bring it on baldy."
Oh, no, oh, no, no, no, no.
"If you boys are gonna do that crap, leave me out of it, you understand, or I will slam a chair into your ribs." I threatened my brothers as they both just nodded.
"Where are we anyway?" Sam questioned us as I yawned.
"A few hours outside of Richardsons, give us the low down again." Dean answered.
I leaned back in the seat, getting ready to listen to the case.
"All right, about a month or two ago, this group of kids go poking around this local haunted house-"
"Haunted by what?" I cut Sam off with my eyes still closed.
"Apparently, a pretty misogynistic spirit, legend goes it takes girls and strings them up in the rafters, anyway, this group of kids see this dead girl hanging in the cellar." Sam explained.
"Anybody I.D. the corpse?" Dean spoke up.
"Well, that's the thing, by the time the cops got there, the body was gone, so cops are saying the kids were yanking their chains." Sam added.
"Maybe the cops are right." I agreed.
"Maybe, but I read a couple of the kids' firsthand accounts, they seem pretty sincere."

Harley Winchester - Season 1- Supernatural Rewrite
FanfictionHi, I'm Harley Winchester. Yes Dean named me, what a weirdo. I'm the Winchester's younger sister. John found me and took me in. Sam and Dean treat me like I'm blood. My brothers mean the world to me. I would die for them. Don't believe me, just read...