04 | the warriors of kyoshi

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          [Y/N] LOVED THE COLOR BLUE. The gentle hue refused to become harsh no matter how dark or bright one may make it. She was definitely biased—being a Water Tribe native while also being a waterbender herself—but she realized she never appreciated being surrounded by the color until she was stuck on a flying bison for hours.

     The sky was blue. The ocean was blue. She, Katara, and Sokka's wardrobes were blue. Even their sleeping bags were blue. The ice they had lived on for the majority of their lives was a calming blue-white. And yet, she still wore the color with great pride.

     "You have no idea where you're going, do you?" Sokka addressed Aang from his usual position in the saddle—in the very back near the supplies. He was frustrated, attempting to get a grasp on their destination by reading Aang's map.

     Aang, from his usual spot on Appa's head, turned to reply. "Well, I know it's near water."

     [Y/N] sat up from where she was lying on her back and staring at the sky. She glanced over the side of the saddle at the endless amount of ocean beneath them—there was not a piece of land in sight.

     "I guess we're getting close then," Sokka said flatly.

     Aang kept his eyes trained on Katara who was near the front of the saddle mending a garment. "Momo, marbles please," he said to the lemur perched on his left shoulder. Momo dove into Aang's shirt and scrambled around. He returned to Aang's shoulder and handed him a few silver marbles. "Hey Katara!" The boy said, accepting the marbles. "Check out this airbending trick!"

     He suspended the marbles between his palms so they whirled around each other in a circular motion. He wore a cheesy grin as he stared at Katara expectantly. She continued her activity.

     "That's great, Aang," she said, clearly not paying attention.

     Aang's face fell and he caught the marbles in his hand. "You didn't even look."

     Katara stopped for a second to look up. "That's great!" She said with slight enthusiasm.

     "But I'm not doing it now," Aang said.

      Sokka was no longer occupied with the map. He now lounged in the back with his arms lazily crossed behind his head. He waved an arm dismissively. "Stop bugging her, airhead. You need to give girls space when they do their sewing."

     [Y/N]'s head spun around to the teenage boy, tossing him a heavy glare. The needle in Katara's hand stopped mid air to turn her head to her brother—her face dripping with both annoyance and anger.

     "What does me being a girl have to do with sewing?" She asked, assuming he would see the error in his statement.

     Sokka seemingly did not notice the shift in the atmosphere as he continued to lounge and nonchalantly answered Katara's question. "Simple: girls are better at fixing pants than guys, and guys are better at hunting and fighting and stuff like that." He spoke as if it was common sense. "It's just the natural order of things."

     Katara shot him a glare before faking a happy expression. "All done with your pants! And look at what a great job I did!" She glowered at her brother as she threw the unfinished pants at him. He flinched as they landed on his head.

     "Wait! I was just kidding! I can't wear these!" He frantically stuck his arm through a large whole between the legs of the pants. "Katara, Please!"

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