08 | avatar roku

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IT WAS THE MIDDLE OF THE NIGHT. The moon sat in the midst of the dark sky as its light shone bright—illuminating the earth. A soft white-blue hue fell over the village that was saved from the Hei-Bai merely hours before and fell over Aang who was trying to leave without alerting anyone of his departure.

        His attempts to be discreet fell apart when a frustrated Appa refused to follow the Avatar. His resistant growls resonated throughout the small town and all six feet dug into the ground as Aang continued to desperately pull at his reins. The bison did not budge and the reigns slipped through the boy's grasp as he fell on the ground.

       "I think his big butt is trying to tell you something." Sokka said.

         Aang turned, startled. There stood Sokka, Katara, and [Y/N]. Behind them were the villagers—hints of concern obvious in their expression. When he saw everyone watching him, his face fell as he'd been caught.

       "Please don't go, Aang," Katara said. "The world can't afford to lose you to the Fire Nation. Neither can I."

        Aang got to his feet and tried not to look Katara in the eye. "But I have to talk to Avatar Roku to find out what my vision means." He stepped forward. "I need to get to the Fire Temple before the sun sets on the Solstice. That's today.""

       Before anyone could get another word out, he airbended himself onto Appa's head, a sad expression glued on his face. The three of them rushed to block the bison's path to prevent him from leaving.

       [Y/N] decided to speak first. "You know this is dangerous, Aang."

        "We're not letting you go into the Fire Nation." Katara said.

        "At least, not without your friends." Sokka added. "We got your back."

        Momo soared, landing on Aang's shoulder and chittered as though he was in agreement. Appa licked Sokka from toe to head, leaving his clothes dripping with saliva."

        "EW!" The boy exclaimed in disgust.

       The chief walked up to Aang. "It's a long journey to Crescent Island," he said, handing him a small bundle. "You'll have to fly fast to have any chance of making it before sundown."

       Aang took it gratefully. "Thank you for your—"

      "Go!" The man sharply pointed to the nearby ocean.

      Aang quickly took the cue and shook the reins. The air cooled as Appa took off and flew into the night sky. Several hours passed before the sun rose over the horizon and the sky began to lighten.

      At the speed they were travelling, they would arrive before sundown like expected. [Y/N] sat closer to the front of the saddle trying to keep from falling asleep due to the lost few hours of rest. The expedition seemed to run too smoothly for the universe's liking. Katara looked over the back of the saddle into the ocean below.

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