06 | imprisoned

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THE SUN WAS AT ITS PEAK. High in the sky, its rays shone brightly upon the earth. [Y/N] found solace under a rather large branch. The thick, green leaves created shade for her to rest under. She stood with her back to a tree trunk with her arms and ankles crossed. Her finger tapped against her arm as she grew more impatient.

     "What was the point of coming if you aren't going to help?" Sokka's voice rang out in the small dell.

     "Look at this place," she dropped her arms to her side, her eyes scanning over the small amount of ground around her. "So many trees and there's barely anything here."

     "Speak for yourself." He entered her line of vision and held a sack up in his hand triumphantly.

     She pushed herself away from the tree. "No way." She said in utter disbelief. "How did you find so many nuts? The ground is so bare."

     He placed a hand on her shoulder. "Dear [Y/N], collecting food is all about survival of the fittest. Maybe one day you'll almost be as skilled as me."

     She took the bag and peeked into it. "Sokka, half of these are just small rocks."

     "They aren't!" He snatched the bag from her grasp. "Give me that!"

     He began to head back to camp without her. She laughed a little to herself before jogging up to join his side. Aang and Katara's spirits seemed to lift when they saw the two approaching, mostly because of the sack of food.

     "Great, you're back!" Aang said eagerly. "What's for dinner?"

     "Yeah, Sokka, what's for dinner?" [Y/N] repeated.

     "We've got a few options. First, round nuts and some kind of oval shaped nuts that . . . might just be rocks," he reluctantly confessed before grinning. "Dig in!"

     Aang and Katara shared a look.

     "Seriously, what else ya got?" Katara asked.

     Sokka looked into the bag again. A boom erupted shifting everyone's attention. "What was that?"

     Another boom.

     "It's coming from over there!" Aang pointed. He and Katara immediately ran toward it.

     "Should we run away from huge booms, not toward them?" Sokka said, frantically waving his arms.

     From behind a fallen tree they watched down in a river bed. The river narrowed into a very small stream. They watch as a guy effortlessly moved a boulder around.

      "An earthbender!" Katara spoke in awe.

     "Let's go meet him!" Aang matched her excitement.

     "He looks dangerous, so we better approach cautiously," said Sokka.

     Katara ignored her brother, advancing toward the stranger with a friendly smile. "Hello there, I'm Katara! What's your name?"

     The earthbender jumped, head snapping in her direction. The rock dropped to the ground with yet another loud boom, his face wearing surprise. He didn't speak, immediately running deeper into the river bed. He waved his arm and several nearby rocks fell in sync behind him blocking the path.

     "Nice to meet you!" Aang shouted, joining Katara.

     "We just wanted to say 'hi'." Katara said, her smile faltering.

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