Chapter 61

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"Elena, wake up!" I shot up in bed when cold water was poured on me. 

"Hermione!" I screeched, shivering. I looked up to see her wand pointed at me. Stupid Aguamenti spell. 

"We're going to be late for our first class if you don't wake up. Breakfast ends in twenty minutes." Hermione warned before magically drying my hair and body. 

I rolled my eyes and quickly got dressed before walking with Hermione down to the Great Hall. We shoved some toast down our faces, then we quickly made our way down to the Dungeons for Potions. 

"I bet Ron and Harry are having the time of their lives right about now." I mumbled, knowing they decided to not take N.E.W.T. Potions this year because they didn't recieve an Outstanding on their OWL. 

"I can't believe they have a free period first thing in the morning." Hermione whispered as we walked into the classroom. 

"Why does it smell like apples in here?" I wondered, sniffing the air. 

"Yeah, I smell spearmint toothpaste." Hermione frowned, confused. 

"Ah, you're smelling the Amortentia." I turned to the voice and saw Professor Slughorn standing over a few cauldrons. "Please, come in! You can stand just over there."

"Morning, Professor." I nodded, and stood facing Slughorn and the cauldrons. 

As he began teaching, I couldn't help but still smell the apples in the air. I looked around the classroom and made eye contact with Draco, who gave me a small smile and a wink. I looked beside Draco and quickly waved at Blaise. 

"Ah!" Slughorn shouted, making me jump and look over at him. Harry and Ron had just walked in the classroom. "Harry, my boy, I was beginning to worry. We've brought someone with us, I see." 

"Ron Weasley, sir." Ron introduced himself, after being elbowed in the side by Harry. "But I'm dead awful at Potions, a menace, actually. So, I'm probably just gonna-"

"Nonsense, we'll sort you out!" Slughorn cheerfully replied, and I watched Hermione glare at Lavender Brown. She looked way too happy to see Ron. "Any friend of Harry's is a friend of mine. Get your books out."

"Sorry, sir, I haven't actually got my book yet, and nor has Ron." Harry told Slughorn. 

"Not to worry, get what you want from the cupboard. Now, as I was saying, I prepared some concoctions this morning. Any idea what these might be? I've noticed a few of you have already caught a whiff of one of them." Slughorn looked over at Hermione and I, making us blush and raise our hands. 

"Yes, Miss..." He trailed off, choosing me. 

"Lovegood, sir." I told him, and he grinned. 

"Ah, yes! I remember your mother and father quite well, my dear. Go on." He urged, excited to hear what I had to say. 

"This one right here is Veritaserum, the truth-telling serum. One drop of it would make anyone reveal their darkest secrets without hesitation." I pointed to the first cauldron. 

"Yes, go on." I quickly looked behind Slughorn, seeing Harry and Ron shoving each other to get into the cupboard first. 

"This one is a Polyjuice Potion. It allows the consumer to take the appearance of another person, once they add any type of DNA. Most people choose hair. It's very tricky to make, I think Hermione can vouch for that." I turned over to Hermione, giving her some credit, making her smile. 

"Very good, very good." Slughorn quickly nodded. 

"And this one is, as you said earlier, Amortentia. It is the most powerful Love Potion in the world. It apparently smells different to every person, according to what attracts them. For example, Hermione smells spearmint toothpaste, and I can smell... apples, vanilla, and cologne." I finished. 

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