Chapter 76

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Third POV (Y'all aren't ready for these next few chapters)

Students were running around the corridors, screaming and yelling at other people to move out of their way. Elena looked out of the Great Hall and was stunned at how hectic the scene was in front of her. Somehow, they were all prepared to die for her best friend, Harry Potter. 

"Lena." Elena turned around, and saw her younger sister standing in front of her, in a daze. "How can I help?" 

"You know that ghost you always talk to? The Grey Lady? Take Harry to her. If anyone knows where Ravenclaw's diadem is, it's her." Elena quickly answered her sister, shakily taking potions out of her bag, and organizing them on the small table Madam Pomfrey set up. 

"How did you know-" Luna was cut off. 

"Ronald told me, now go!" Elena waved her sister off, immediately feeling bad when her sister quickly turned on her heel and left the Great Hall in search of Harry. 

Luna wondered the crowded halls, looking left and right, trying to find the Boy Who Lived. She stood still, looking in front of her, and called out when she found Harry running up the staircase. 

"Harry! Harry!" Luna called, quickly running up the stairs behind him. She let out a small huff when he didn't turn around. 

On the other side of the castle, Professor McGonagall led a group consisting of Dumbledore's Army and the Order outside the castle. She had just finished telling Neville her big plan. 

"Let me get this straight. You're giving us permission to do this?" Neville looked shocked. 

"That is correct, Longbottom." McGonagall replied. 

"To blow it up? Boom?" Neville was still unsure. 

"Boom!" McGonagall repeated loudly. 

"Wicked. But how on earth are we gonna do that?" Neville questioned.

"Why don't you confer with Mr Finnigan? As I recall, he has a particular proclivity for pyrotechnics-" McGonagall answered. 

"I can bring it down." Seamus' voice agreed behind them. 

"That's the spirit. Now away you go." McGonagall shooed them both away, staring off into the distance. 

"You do realize, of course, we can't keep out You-Know-Who indefinitely." Professor Flitwick spoke up. 

"Well, that doesn't mean we can't delay him. And his name is Voldemort, Filius. You might as well use it." McGonagall told him. "He's going to try to kill you either way."

Professor McGonagall turned around, and raised both of her hands, her wand in her right hand. She stared into the castle from outside, before saying the spell she has wanted to say for years. 

"Piertotum Locomotor!" She shouted. 

Elena looked up from the potion bottles after hearing a loud bang right outside of the Great Hall. She cringed, thinking that he war had started, but was shocked to see the stone statues jump down from on the wall, and stand in formation. One by one, the statues walked out of the castle in two lines, ready to defend their home. 

"Hogwarts is threatened! Man the boundaries, protect us! Do your duty to our school!" McGonagall commanded. "I've always wanted to use that spell." 

Elena slowly walked out of the hall, mesmerized by the sight in front of her. All of the teachers, and a few Order members all pointed their wands to the sky. Protective spells flew out of their wands, and made a dome barrier around the entire castle. 

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