Chapter 73

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Months past since I had told Mrs Weasley that I was pregnant. She was very happy to help, after staring at me in shock for an hour, and decided that it would be safer for me to stay at Shell Cottage with Bill and Fleur. Fleur happily took me into her home, after some debate with her husband and with the help of Molly insisting that I stay. 

November started, and I was starting to get worried. I hadn't heard anything from Draco, Narcissa, and Snape. There was also no sign of the Golden Trio anywhere. I hoped they were safe. 

December hit me hard. I was already six months pregnant, and still no word from Draco. On Christmas, Bill, Fleur, and I hosted a small Christmas dinner. We invited the Weasley's, Cobrina, Remus and Tonks. I found out that Tonks was also around 5 months pregnant. We spent the whole night talking- well, mostly gossiping. 

The next day I found an owl perched outside my window and quickly grabbed the letter that hung from the owl's mouth. I ripped it open, and sat on my bed, reading the short letter in Draco's handwriting.

Luna was captured. You sneaking out and your father supporting Potter in the Quibbler really set You-Know-Who off. I will try to help her as much as I can.

The New Year came quickly, and I was seven months pregnant in January. I was worried for my sister, but knew she would be safe in the hands of Draco and Narcissa. 

I was sitting outside of Shell Cottage, a cup of tea in my hands as I looked out into the distance. I felt like something, or someone was coming. I slowly brought the warm cup up to my lips, and choked on the tea when I heard a pop. I looked up, and my mug dropped when I saw who it was. 

"Luna!" I cried, slowly getting to my feet. 

"Lena! You're-you're pregnant?" She stuttered, as she quickly pulled me into a loose hug. 

"Yeah, Luna. You're going to be an aunt in a few weeks." I laughed, before looking around. "Who brought you here?" 

"A House-Elf." I looked up at Mr Ollivander. "I think his name was Dobby." 

"Dobby?" I repeated. 

Third POV

Harry and Ron hid on the staircase as they watched Bellatrix yell at Griphook. Hermione laid on the floor a few feet away from Bellatrix, and she seemed eerily still. Draco stared at the girl in shock.

"Consider yourself lucky, Goblin. The same won't be said for this one." Bellatrix spoke as she walked over to Hermione. 

"Like hell." Ron growled, before running up the stairs, Harry closely behind him. "Expelliarmus!"

"Stupefy!" Harry's spell hit Lucius, making him fly backwards. Draco looked over at his mother, who advanced towards the two boys, her wand raised. 

The four of them fought, shooting spells back and forth. Draco was hesitant with every spell shot, and Harry could tell.

"Stop!" Bellatrx shouted, and Draco sighed in relief, turning around. His eyes widened at the sight of Hermione being held up by Bellatrix, a knife against her throat. "Drop your wands. I said drop them! Pick them up, Draco. Now!" 

Draco stood still for a few seconds, before quickly picking up the wands that were dropped on the wooden floor. 

"Well, well, well. Look what we have here. It's Harry Potter. He's all bright and shiny and new again, just in time for the Dark Lord. Call him." Bellatrix looked over at Draco, who froze under her gaze. 

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