Chapter 1: The Past

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(E/C) = Eye color
Y/N = Your name

2nd person Pov

After today's long and bloody battle, you head into your room with the same cold look on you face. it had been exactly 5 years since an incident happened. 9 years ago during high school, you made a friend. she was bullied for not having a father like others and you were the one who chased the bullies away. you were always there for her and she couldn't thank you enough. her mother always made her wear the things she didn't agree with, but she wears it anyway. she tried very hard to impress the others but it was never enough, she felt like a mistake to the world and you have always reassured her that she shouldn't try so hard just to impress others. during school one day, she was getting bullied and couldn't take it anymore, so she ran to the roof on the school. you choked her bully almost to death and ran after her after throwing the bully across the room. once you arrived on the roof, you found her on the edge. you were going to run over to her but one of her bullies grabbed you and held you tightly, you were in tears screaming to your friend not to jump. her other bully told her that it wouldn't matter if she jump because she is nothing. once she decided, she jumped and you screamed her name, trying to break out of the person's holding you grasp. after some time in the hospital, the doctor finally announced that she was dead. you sobbed your eyes out every day. about two days later at school, the same bullies that bullied your friend was bullying you. but on their first day bullying you, you killed them after school. no one saw you so that was a relief. after two months later, you were walking home from school and heard screaming coming from your home, you ran inside and once you arrived, you stared in horror when you saw your father, mother, and younger sister dead right in front of you. as tears fell from your eyes, you grabbed a gun and chased the killer till they disappeared and you couldn't see them anymore. you went back home in tears and as you started to call the cops, someone's small arms wrapped themselves around your torso. you turned around to find your younger brother in tears with a horrified look, you broke down in tears as well and pulled him close, hugging him tightly. you told him you were so happy he was alive and that you would protect him. a month later you left your brother at home with your cousin. when you went back home, you found both your brother and cousin dead. you cried your eyes out and told him how sorry you were and how much of a liar you were. two weeks later your 'best' friend's family decided to give you some of her things since they were moving away and decided to give you something to remember her. as you looked through her stuff, you found a paper that seemed important. you unfolded it and your (E/C) eyes widened. the paper was about you, you were a target but instead of killing you the curl people decided to take all of your loved ones away. as you read down the paper your eyes caught the attention of the killer's name being sign onto the paper, which was signed by your best friend. A few days later, you found your ex best friend's base. after you killed everyone there, you took off your ex best friend's friendship necklace and threw it on the floor.

you sighed as you layed down on your bed and thought about your past. some tears fell down your (E/C) orbs and you tried to push the memoirs away. you've been having nightmares about it lately and you couldn't take it anymore. just then, there was a knock at your door. you went over to open it and saw Engie standing on the other side "it's time for dinner darlin'" he spoke and you only nodded in respons and followed him to the Mess Hall. you grabbed your plate of food and sat down next to Scout and Sniper, while eating you were extremely quiet, you didn't even say a word. once you were finished eating, you washed your dish and left. the other mercenaries looked at each other with a concerned or confused face, they've noticed that you've changed and they needed answers. you never told them anything because you were always so secretive but you had a kind and gentle soul, they knew you would never hurt them because you were so loveable, kind, truthful, loyal, and honest. but things started to change just two days ago.

"does the toots...ya know..seem different to you guys?" Scout questioned "yes, it seemz like she hasn'z been happy for two dayz" Spy answered "but leetle girl ees alvays happy. vhat made leetle Y/N sad?" The large Russian asked "Ah don't know Heavy, but whatever it is. it doesn't seem right" Engie replied "Zhe fräulein haz been quite odd lately, ich zhink ve need to find out zoon or-" Medic spoke up "Tha sheila has been qouite odd lately but oi doubt she'd tell us" Sniper cut Medic off "aye, tha lass will have ta tell us ethier way" Demo said proudly "Yes Demo! but Y/N is very secretive! she wouldn't tell us anyway!" Soldier exclaimed "Mrph Mrrph, Mrhrm Hrmp Mrrrrrph Mrrph Mrph (Soldiers right, Y/N is a secretive person. she would never tell us because she doesn't want us to worry about her.)" Pyro mumbled out. the men grew worried at this and looked at each other before they started eating again but this time in silence

The Next Day

After training you went into the kitchen to grab an apple, then headed off to your room again. Heavy noticed your dull eyes and felt a little tinge in his chest but he ignored that and left to his room as well. as you got ready for battle, you were loading your guns. Just then the Administration spoke threw the speakers "Mission begins in ten seconds!" you sighed and got up and stood next to Spy as you and the men waited for the blast door to open.






The blast door opened and you and your teammates ran out the door with your war crys. as you ran for the Blu Intel, you were shot by the leg. you let out a scream and yelled for Medic, he came running over and started to heal you. he put his medgun away and extended his hand out to you. you took it and as you stood up, you thanked him. he smiled and nodded back, he then noticed your dull eyes and your pale face, this made him frown a bit. you took note of this and ran off, leaving Medic feeling a tinge in his chest.

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