Chapter 3: Tell Us

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2nd person pov

"Zhe starz are beautiful, non?" Said the man behind you. You jumped a bit, caught off guard by this "y-yea..they are" you finally answered. Spy then joined you and sat next to you and also gazed at the stars "'ou and zhe team 'ave been very worried about 'ou...." Spy started, looking at you. You looked away "I'm okay....j-just tired!" You lied, sounding not so sure. Spy looked at you not convinced "'re 'ou zure? 'Ou know me and zhe team knowz when 'ou'r lying...zomethingz wrong..and 'e need to know" Spy responded sounding very serious. you forced a smile at him and said "I-I'm sure...I just need some sleep is all!" You replied "what ever 'ou zay mon cher" Spy said getting up and you got up as well "I'll zee 'ou zomorrow..." the Frenchman said with a sweet smile. You smile back and before he left he gave you a hug. Your eyes widened in shock. He's never been a hugger but you kindly returned the hug anyway "eef anyzhing goez wrong...zell me" Spy stated seriously in your ear. You smiled even more at this "I will". The Frenchman finally let go and cloaked invisible, giving you a peck on the cheek then left. As you stood there holding the spot he kissed you flustered with shock written all over your face.

The Next Day

You walked into the Mess hall and helped Engie make breakfast while your teammates where doing there own thing. As you were chopping carrots you accidentally cut your finger which caused you to yelp in pain, Engie quickly came over to you and asked "what's wrong darlin'-" just as he finished his sentence he noticed the cut on your finger "ya best go see the doc" he told you "but what about the carr-" you started but was quickly cut off by Engie saying "it's alright darling. I got it" you nodded at him with a cute smile that made him blushed. You then left to Med-Bay and once you arrived you gave a knock on the door "who iz it?" The man on the other side of the door asked "oh, it's Y/N. I just need a bandaid" you replied. Medic then opened the door and let you in "ztay here...I vill go get zhe bandaid" he said then left to find you a bandaid.

As Medic came back with the bandaid, he handed it to you and asked "Vhy did jou need zhe bandaid any vay?" You then sat on the examination table while the doctor took a seat in his office chair "I cut my finger while cutting the carrots" you mumbled and Medic looked at you with a smirk "thinking of something?" He asked you chuckled a bit and answered "nah, I just wasn't paying attention is all" Medic then got off his seat and walked over to you. Leaning close to your ear "Ich saw jou and Spy to explain?" He said bringing his face to meet yours again, you stared at him for a sec then smirked devilishly "why? Jealous?~" you teased, Medic growled at this and spoke "jou haff no idea" you blushed madly and Medic smirked then pulled away. You got off the examin table and walked over to the door "I'll see you at breakfast..see ya Medic!" You said then left.

As you made your way back to the Mess hall you were thinking to yourself ' now two of my co-workers are trying to hit on me...' you finally made it back to the Mess hall and continued helping Engie cook breakfast. After breakfast you we're off to your room to either take a nap, draw, read a book, or do something else. Today was a very boring ceasefire day for you since there was nothing to do and your teammates literally decided to ditch your ass (don't take that seriously ;-;) you then eventually got very bored and fell asleep. Mean while your teammates were having a 'meeting' with Ms Pauling "I can not believe this!" Scout exclaimed, not so very happy that Ms Pauling wouldn't tell him "I can't tell any of's a secret" Ms Pauling told them "zhe petite haz all zhe Secrets" Spy said clearly annoyed "you guys might have found her file but that doesn't mean I'm going to tell you" Ms Pauling said trying to keep calm from ragging at the men.

"Vhy ees Ms Pauling not telling team?" The Russian asked "I've told you guys like fifty's a secret that I can't tell" Ms Pauling said simply earning annoyed groans from the men "look boys...I've got work tomorrow" Ms Pauling said getting up "I can not tell you what has happened...all you need to know is that Y/N will be fine" Ms Pauling then left the men and came over to your room and giving it a knock. You open the door to find Ms Pauling on the other side and let her in "so...why are you here?" You asked Ms Pauling "I'm here because the men asked me to come over and tell them about what happened" she said with a stern look. You looked at her and started sobbing "I-I'm so s-sorry....I j-just  miss h-im s-o m-much" you tried to say through your sobs, Ms Pauling then hugged you and said "it wasn't your fault Y/N" "yes it was! I wasn't there for him like I said I was! I didn't protect him!" You shouted. As you and Ms Pauling chatted on, the men on the other side of the door could only wish to know what happened. They then went back to the Rec room and started chatting again "I don't get it...what does Y/N mean by..."I didn't protect him"?" Scout asked clearly confused "Ve don't know Scout..." Medic replied "The Cupcake is hiding something from us!" Soldier exclaimed trying not to be so loud "Ja but...don't jou guyz juzt zhink it'z veird zhat she von't tell uz?" Medic questioned "tha sheila won't tell us aloright" Sniper said clearly pissed. The men then started to have a fight while Pyro stayed quiet and left. As Pyro walked out of the room he watch as you said goodbye to Ms Pauling then went back to your room almost in tears. Pyro being him knocked on your door and as soon as you opened it he gave you a hug which earned him an 'aww' as you returned the hug.

Just then the other 8 men realized that the fire lover went missing. They then quickly left the Rec room and went to look for him but as soon as the step out the saw Pyro hugging you in the distance.

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