Chapter 2: Changes

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2nd person pov

After you broke eye contact with the doctor. You headed for the Blu Intel, as you ran, you bumped into the Blu Spy. You quickly shot him, not knowing that he had used his dead ringer. He ran after you until you reached the Intel room, once you got in you were about to grab the Intel, when the Spy behind you became visible again. He pointed his gun to your head and you groaned in annoyance "just put 'our weaponz down and walk away" the masked man said. You turn around and looked him dead in the eye "shoot me.." was all you said, the Spy raised a brow at you then smirked and shot you. The next thing you knew was you respawning in the spawn room, just then the Administrator announced "You've failed" you sighed and saw some Blu mercs come in and shoot you.

After that, Soldier, ferrous. Came over to you, grabbed you by the shirt collar and shouted "WHY DIDN'T YOU GRAB THE INTELLIGENCE MAGGOT?!" You didn't even care to react to him. All you did was stare, Sniper came over and placed a hand on Soldier's shoulder saying "stay down lad" Soldier glared back at you before placing you back down, he grumbled something then turned around and left. Sniper then walked over to you and smiled, which you returned "don't worry about Soldier. The wankers just mad" Sniper said "it's was my fault for not stopping the Spy anyway" you told him. Sniper started at you a bit shocked that you didn't try to stop the Blu bastard from shooting you. You noticed how Sniper was staring at you, this made you feel uncomfortable and got up to leave, once you were gone Spy grabbed Soldier's jacket collar and yelled at him "WHAT ZHE FUCK WERE 'OU ZHINKING SOLDIER?! CAN'T 'OU ZEE 'OW STRESSED OUT SHE ALREADY EES?!" the team and Soldier stared at Spy in shock, Spy took one last glare at Soldier before pushing him away.

"'Ou men better watch out for Y/N next battle" Spy simply said before leaving the other mercenaries. As you got in your room you heard yelling but you to tired to care, you flopped down on the bed and groaned lowly onto the pillow. You turned around and questioned yourself "why am I so god damn useless?.....why do they care?.......why do I care?........why am I still here?......why do I even try?..........why am I so kind?......why didn't I just end it all?....why am I so scared of death?....why am I such a liar?.....guess I'm still not good enough" you grew tired of this and eventually fell asleep, not knowing that the doctor and the Texian was on the other side of the door listening in. The two men looked at each other with a frown before heading off to fix Engie's teleport

Time skip (dinner)

As you sat down next to Spy and Demo with your plate of food. You started eating and everything was peaceful to you until Engie spoke out, calling for you "darlin'? What were ya saying earlier in your room?" He asked, this caught everybody's attention and they all looked at you "I-it's not important" you answered with a forced smile, you then noticed how Engie and Medic stared at you with their frowns. You have already finished your plate so you got up and washed your dish before leaving to your room, when you were finally gone the other mercenaries looked at the German and the Texian, it was very quiet. Heavy broke the silence by asking "vhat did doktor and Engineer hear?" All the other six mercs were wondering the same thing. Medic and Engineer just looked at each other, Medic then turned to the others and told them "Zhe fräulein waz queztioning do I zay it....she waz queztioning zhingz like "Vhy am I zo god damn uzeless?" Or "vhy do zhey care?" Or "Vhy do I even try?" It zoundz like she might have deprezzion" everyone of the mercenaries looked at each other, feeling concern take over them.

"You guys don't think tha toots is depressed...right?" Scout asked "The lassie can not be depressed, she is always happy" Demo said, not believing that you'd be depressed "now gentlemen, do not get to conclusionz yet" Spy told them. They looked over at Spy then back at each other before starting to eat again. Once everyone was done eating Spy, Medic, and Engie went over into one of the secret rooms and started looking through filles. Once they came across yours they all looked at each other before opening it and reading

'Y/N L/N

Team: Red

Y/N has told me to never tell anyone about her past..I work as an assistant for the Administrator and I'm the only one who knows, as she truly trusts me with her past I will tell anyone but only if she allows me...Y/N has told me that she has had nightmares about what happened before she joined the Red team and I just can't help but feel bad. Till today I have never told anyone. it's hard to help someone especially like her because she has trust issues and I just wish her the best'

The three men looked at each other once more before gathering the other six men. As everyone finished reading your fille they became even more worried and confused "so what do ya reckon we do?" Engie asked, turning to Spy "I reckon we get Ms Pauling and azk her, she ees zhe Administrator'z only assistant" every men looked at each other before nodding and leaving to their rooms.

Time skip (Next day)

As you ran into the Intelligence room. The Blu Spy uncloaked behind you just kind of like yesterday and pointed his gun to your head. You turned around but this time with the Intel in one of your hands, you gave him the same dead look. He grinned and was about to shoot you, when....your team's Spy shot him first, the Blu Spy fell dead on the floor with a thud. You looked at your team's Spy and he gave you a disappointed look before telling you to leave. As you ran back to your base you spotted Scout and called for him "Scout!" He looked over at you and you threw him the Intelligence. He took it and ran, you being distracted didn't know the enemy team's Sniper aiming his rifle at your head.


You were back at respawn, just in time as the Administrator announced "Victory" your teammates came in with their cheers and they either high fived you or told you how good you did and you returned it with a smile. As your fellow teammates celebrated, you went outside and sat on the roof top and looked up at the stars, not noticing the masked man behind you.

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