Chapter 8: Trust issues

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2nd person pov

You finally got tired and fell asleep..and for didn't have any       nightmares...

The Next Day

You woke up from a good sleep, though you wanted nothing to do with your friends at the moment. So with nothing to do, you just stayed there try to fall asleep again..waking up again, you weren't tired anymore. You got up from bed and got ready for the day. Though when you left your was deathly quiet..pretty odd because your teammates would usually be really loud in the mornings..and to your surprise you just remembered 'why didn't soldier wake anyone up?' You asked yourself. You walked into the kitchen just to find was 7 in the morning..the team should be up by now. Just as you were about to grab some breakfast the front door opened. Your mercenary friends came in with some..Pizza?..what? were suddenly filled with confusion as they came up to you with heart warming smiles and you gave a half smile back.

The men came over to the table and had you sit down next to one of them while passing out plates "uhh" you gave out in confusion your friends then looked at you when Scout asked "How are you feeling, Y/n?" You looked at him "uhh...okay..I guess?....why are you guys acting so weird today... did you guys get drugged?" The men laughed at you "non, 'e just want to make 'ou 'appy" Spy smiled and you smiled back. Even if you did feel weirded out seeing the men smile made you happy. After breakfast it was off to training, today's battle began at 1pm so there was enough time for everyone to get ready..

Time skip

You were running around the field while trying to get away from the Blu Spy who was chasing you while calling out for help since your health was at 15 or less..just as you were about to die- you ran and turned a corner but was caught off guard when the Blu Spy was shot by a sentry, you turned around and saw Engineer smiling at you "Ya don't look so good darling" to told you. You walked over to him "Thank you for building here" Engie chuckled as you walked over to the dispenser. "Ya, a minute darlin'?" Engie asked "Um- Sure" you smiled "How are ya feeling...after what happened yesterday?" He looked at you a bit serious. Your face dropped it's smile and looked down at the dirt beneath you " us...right?" He asked hopefully, you sighed and walked away a little and took one last glimpse of him before running off to the bloody battle.

Engie frowned and started upgrading his sentry to a level 3 not noticing Spy coming out of a dark corner "So...'he does not truzt us?" and startled Engie making him drop his wrench, Spy muttered out a 'sorry' and Engie rolled his eyes as he picked up his wrench "Ah don't know...she just left when ah asked" Engie looked at Spy "ya don't think that she doesn't trust us..right?"

Spy shrugged "I'll zee 'ou after battle" Spy cloak and ran off leaving Engie alone.

Time skip

After the deathly battle which you and teammates had won you headed off to bed instead of celebrating because you wanted to be alone but lied to your team that you were gonna get some sleep. Changing into a (F/c) tank top and a pair of black shorts you got into the covers and closed your eyes trying to clear your mind.

Some time after it was time for dinner. Dinner turned out okay but you were the quiet on. Once dinner ended, you asked your teammates to see you in the Rec room which kind of confused them but still went with it anyway. After everyone was in the Rec room and in their seats you spoke "Who was in my room the other day?" You looked serious "Uh-" Scout muttered. The room fell deadly silent until "Spy and Medic was in yar room" the Demoman who was not sober...but drunk said out loud

You looked at Spy and Medic who looked away from you trying to avoid eye contact. You let out a sigh "I'm just disappointed.." you got up "I thought you guys wouldn't do such a thing." Walking behind Spy and slapped the back of his head and then did the same thing to Medic before storming off to your room where you silently tried to calm down.

The Next Day

You didn't want to get out of bed and face your friends but did anyway. Leaving your room and walking down the hall of the R.E.D. base you were just about to get some breakfast when...

"Y/N! Come here!"

One of the mercenaries shouted. You hurriedly went into the living room to where your friends were "Yes- what is it?" You asked walking over to them "'ave 'ou seen..uh, my balaclava?" Spy asked "Uhh- no?" You gave a confused look. Spy nodded and turned to glare at Scout who was teasing him in the background "I'm just gonna..go to bed now" and you walked away

After you got into bed you looked up at the ceiling 'What the fuck is with the team today?' You questioned yourself before falling asleep hoping to forget about how weird today was.

Slow updates now! Hehe...I started school last week ;-; and I have way more work than I remember so uh- yes, slow updates now ;w; have a great day/night guys!

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