Chapter 4: Nightmares

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2nd person pov

Pyro finally let go of you and you smile at him. There was a sudden cough that made you and Pyro look over to where the cough came from. The other men's face held a reaction of awkwardness and....jealousy? didn't know. You quickly apologized and closed your door. Pyro felt a bit sad but quickly brushed it off and headed to his room leaving the other men. Later that night you sat in bed with nothing to do but stare at the wall, you couldn't just couldn't....every time you would wake up with sweat running down your back from a nightmare, it was mostly the same dream from time to time but sometimes it was different. What ever dream you had it was always a couldn't stay awake any longer and turned off the lights then went to sleep.


You were walking back home from a school meeting. As you got closer and closer to your house you noticed that there was no noise coming from inside. You then took your keys out of your pocket and opened the door. Stepping inside you didn't see your cousin nor your brother, you left to the living room and that's when you saw them...your eyes widened as tears started to fill them...your cousin had a bullet through her chest and your brother had a stab wound in his fell onto your knees in tears as you picked up your brother's body and held him close....tears fell onto his face as you sobbed your eyes out...then everything started to disappear. You were in a dark room with nothing around you...your brother was curdled up into a ball and kept your sobbing...


You heard someone call out to you but you ignored never dared to trust another person...not even yourself...

"Ake up!.......Y/N!......"

They kept calling out to you...but you just stayed still not even moving an you shook in place...


"Y/N! Wake up!" Spy said, shaking you awake. You jolted awake and looked up to see Spy in front of you with a worried expression as he wiped some tears away "what 'append ma chérie?" Spy asked and you sat up wiping away your tears "n-nothing...I'm fine!" You lied. Spy gave you a concerned and not convinced look as he frowned "'ou are lying..'ou were crying...tell me..what's wrong" he asked again "I-I....please leave" you tell him and Spy just sat there not moving as his expression was left the same except this time his worry grew "Y/N-" "LEAVE!" Spy was about to say something but was quickly cut off when you shouted at him..Spy sighed and got up then left as you sat there and started crying again, regretting what you just did.

After some time you finally managed to get up and change into some clothes and leave for the Mess hall to get some breakfast. Once you arrived, the men weren't there like they had disappeared. Usually Demo would be passed out on the table or so but today he wasn't there but you just thought he was probably passed out in his room and grabbed some leftover breakfast from the fridge. Putting the breakfast in the microwave and turning it on you waited for the food to heat up while thinking of how to apologize to Spy. After your breakfast you finally got the courage to go to Spy's Smoking room. You gave a knock on the door and the man on the other side answered "Go away" you sighed "o-oh ok...I just wanted to tell you I'm sorry" you were about to walk away when someone grabbed your arm and pulled you into a hug, caught off guard by this you squeak and looked up at the person hugging was Spy "I forgive 'ou Y/N" he said as he let go of you "so..uhh...where are the others?" You asked "Zome of zhem got drunk last night after a drinking game" Spy answered and you let out an 'oh'

The two of you didn't really know what to do so Spy suggest you tell him about your nightmare but you answered 'No' because you felt that he was going to hate you or see you as a liar. So you changed the subject. After a while of chatting it was lunch. Nobody wanted to cook really, not even Engie, you offered to cook and made some pasta for the men. As your teammates entered the room to eat you told them that you were busy and that you would be in your room which was a lie but they didn't seem to notice and just shrugged it off. You ate alone in your room, it was quiet but better than anything else. You finished half the plate before throwing away the were falling into depression huh?...for the rest of that day you hung out with Scout, Sniper, and Heavy. The four of you joked around a lot and tried doing some new things, like eating the Koran Spicy noodles, you ofcourse was able to handle the spice while Sniper was chugging his water, Scout was also chugging his 'BONK', and heavy was eating a cold sandwich from the fridge. You were obviously dying at their reactions and it soon became dinner. At dinner you were happier than the last 4 days which made the men grin.

After dinner you helped Engie clean, it wasn't so bad since Engie had very interesting conversations. As you were getting into bed after dressing up into some pajamas you stared at the ceiling for a bit before heading to bed.


You were running. Running as fast as you could before hearing someone call for help. You turned around to see Demo being held be a misty shadow, the shadow seemed almost familiar to you, taking a close look you realized who it was your ex couldn't do anything because you couldn't move, something or someone was holding you as tears streamed down your face "watch me take every single thing you love away from you" your ex bestfriend smirked as she proceeded to stab Demo repeatedly. You couldn't do anything as you screamed for him, just then something sharp and painful stabbed you


"AHHH!!" you screamed, waking up. Soldier burst into your room, not even caring if the door broke. The rest of the men ran in and everyone on them saw you sitting there..on your bed...crying..Demo came forward "what's wrong lass?" You jumped onto him..hugging him tightly, the men frowned at your upset and scared state as Demo gently rubbed circles on your back trying to calm you "I'm sorry! I'm so sorry!" You shouted as you kept your grip on Demo "what happened lass?" He asked "I-I...I left you...I let you die!" You dug your face into his chest as the men looked at you with a hint of confusion "what do ya mean lass?" Demo raised his brow "S-Somthing was holding you! I..I wasn't able to move! Y-you we-re stabbed repeatedly!" You cried. The thought of being stabbed repeatedly made Demo sick but he continued to confront you "Fräulein...vould jou like to sleep in zhe Med-Bay for tonight?" Medic asked. To be honest you didn't want to sleep anymore, it was getting scarier by the minute but not wanting to worry the men even more you nodded at Medic's request and with that both you and Medic left to the Med-Bay.

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