Chapter 5: More information

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(F/c)=Favorite color
2nd person pov

After what seemed like forever you were finally about to go to sleep on the operating table. Medic was working so he would be able to see you sleep. Closing your eyes, you fell asleep way quicker than you thought but that was no problem because you were very tired anyway...


You ran from didn't even help your loved cared about only ran from every problem, every person, every animal, everybody and anybody, everything and felt like a fool, like you were blind, like you are pathetic, like you weren't good kept running...even if there was no one with felt like you were running in a circle in a black room with nothing around...




Just Run

Keep Running







You tripped. You fell. And for the first time...someone, something was calling stood up and looked around yourself "STOP!" you screamed..tears ran down your face as you just noticed "I BETRAYED YOU...I BETRAYED ALL OF YOU!! I CARE ONLY ABOUT MYSELF!!!" you kept screaming "I WON'T LOVE YOU! I WON'T TRUST YOU! I WON'T BELIEVE YOU! I WON'T BE THERE FOR YOU!" the tears that streamed down your face never kept continuing "STOP! STOP CRYING GOD DAMIT! I DON'T MATTER! I'M THE TARGET! STOP LOVING! STOP LAUGHING! STOP SMILING! STOP FAKING I'M OKAY! STOP BEING SO KIND! STOP TRUSTING! STOP HOPING! STOP BELIEVING! STOP TRYING!! JUST GIVE UP ALREADY!!!" you collapse on the floor below you. Everything around you was were getting felt like throwing up..


"Fräulein! Vake up!" Medic was trying to shake up awake, he had a grip on your shoulders. Spy was there too, he was right next to Medic. They both had a very worried, concern, confused, and a nervous face. You looked up at them and pushed Medic away from you, he fell back a bit caught off guard "I..I'm sorry..I'm so sorry!" You broke down in tears "It's okay chère" Spy reassured while Medic came back to his same position before "N-No! It's not!" You got up "I'm won't happen just won't happen again!" You ran out of the Med-Bay and Spy stood there with Medic as their face arrived in your room and collapsed on your bed, burying your face into the pillows whispering out "Why me?.." you couldn't fall asleep anymore. No way would you close your eyes for a second or two, every time you did, you would just find yourself in a black room with you yelling at yourself. So for the rest of the night you stayed up, you looked out the window and the sun was starting to rise. Tears fell from your face and onto the sheets, you stared blankly out the window not even noticing Soldier's yelling. Sighing you got up and got ready for the looked around your room and spotted a picture of you and your brother, smiling you left.

Walking away you didn't know there was two men cloak behind you. They snuck into your room and started looking around. Spy and Medic looked through filles and filles but they found nothing..looking into a book Spy found a binder, he signaled Medic and they opened the (F/c) binder and their eyes widened at every thing in there..there was pictures of you and your 'ex' of you and your family..and some old letters from your ex bestfriend. But what really caught their eyes was a wrinkled and folded paper. Spy took it out and unfolded it and the shocked looks in their eyes had filled with sorrow but they were still very shocked..they read the paper top to bottom and the name of the killer was it for dare they hurt you. Spy put the paper back down then noticed a name signed on an open letter. He opened it and Spy stood there with Medic, lost for words. The letter was a thank you letter from your 'ex' bestfriend from when you helped her with bullying. They couldn't believe that someone you loved, treasured, and cared for so much would have the guts to do such a thing to you. Even Medic felt very bad, sure he is a madman, sure he is a psycho, sure he is a socio. But he was not that heartless. The person you cared for the most had betrayed you and the two men could only wish to know what happened.

The two quickly put your things back where they belong and left for breakfast. During breakfast everyone was acting kinda weird to you but you just brushed it off as if it's not a big deal. You decided to spend the rest of the day alone..not even know that your teammates decided to have another meeting "We 'here in Y/N's room today-" Spy didn't get to finish his sentence because of Sniper "Whoy were you two in tha roo's room?" "Yea, why?" Scout also asked "look ve vere juzt trying to help zhe fräulein" Medic facepalmed "I zhink we found some information on vhy she keeps having nightmares" Spy broke in and everyone looked at him " found zome information about her iz very heartbreaking" Medic gave a serious look that it was almost sad even. As the men chatted on you were in your room reading old letters and looking at old never ment to let your friend jump. Now she's taking away all the people you love as a revenge for not saving her. Tears started to form in your eyes...'How dare she take her anger out on me?!' You thought to yourself.

The men in the Rec room were having their very serious conversation "Heavy vill crush leetle gurl for hurting Y/N" Heavy cracked his knuckles "Tha bloodily hell was 'er problem for hurting Y/N?" Demo griped on his bottle of alchohol, to the point to it would break "I will crack her scull for hurting tha toots" Scout's eyes showed a flare of anger "Now claim down boys..we don't even know if she did hurt Y/N..maybe tha killer was someone else" Engie told them as he tried to stop a fight from happening "Now gentlemen..we must keep a very close look out for Y/N" Spy announced. Every one looked at him before looking back at each other and giving a nod. Everybody then was dismissed from the meeting and they left to do their own things but this time they were really going to look out for you. You walked out of your room and into the Mess hall and some time after you helped Engie make dinner. You sat very quietly while the others were chatting a bit "Y/N..can you tell us?" Scout looked at you "what?" You asked "there's something you're not telling us" he gave you a very serious look like the others "I-...I'm fine..who said I'm not okay?" You forced a laugh out. The men were saddened by this because they knew now that you were faking your happiness "Stop faking darling..we know" Engie looked very concerned "I..gotta go now..see ya guys!" You left. You ran away again. The men just sat there not even knowing how to get the truth out of you. Now that they are starting to find out, some let out a sigh before continuing to finish dinner.

You were in your room now..and you knew..they were staring to find out...

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