Chapter 9: Forgiveness

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2nd person pov

You woke up from bed after a very strange day yesterday..going into the bathroom, you think to yourself 'what the hell was yesterday about?' You shook your head, trying to forget what happened and washed your face.

Getting out of your room after a good long thirty minutes of getting ready you head into the Mess Hall for breakfast. Only to be joined by Scout."Hey Scout" you smiled at him while walking together "Hey Y/N" he smiled back. Scout open the door for you on the way in which you thanked him for being such a gentleman. Some of the others weren't up yet, but you didn't mind as you walked into the kitchen to help Engineer cook. The only ones who were up at the moment was Heavy, Scout, Sniper, and Engineer. Strange when Soldier was already supposed to be up. You shrugged and washed your hands before help making the pancakes/eggs.

After a few minutes later, the rest of the team came into the room, looking awfully tired. You were done helping Engie and he told you to go hangout  with the others, who were in the living room not knowing  what to do but be killed by boredom. You sat down next to Spy, he was rubbing his eyes out of tiredness "are you tired, Spy?" You asked, looking at him "Oui, just a littl'" he smiled at you "is Engi done makin' breakfast yet?" Sniper asked "Yep- I think." You answered and Sniper nodded "Come eat fellas!" Shouted a voice from the kitchen. You and the other eight mercs then headed to the kitchen to grab your plates.

Breakfast was over now and you were cleaning up the dishes for Engie since he had to go get his things ready for tomorrow's battle. You put the cups in the cabinet, plates and bowls in the dishwasher, spoons and forks in the utensil holder, knifes in the cabinet, pots and pans in another cabinet. Once Engie finished, he came to check on you "Woah, ya finished everything...go take ah rest Y/N" Engie looked around "are you sure? I'm bored and wanna help" you looked at him "yes ah am sure, now go" he chuckled "alright, fine!" You giggled and walked out. Deciding to not listen to Engie, you were gonna take a walk but that was stopped when... "GOTTVERDAMMT" a loud yell came from the infirmary. You looked around before speed walking into the Med Bay.

You gave a knock at the Med Bay doors before opening it, letting out a gasp at what you saw...Medic had cut his arm by accident and his paper work was everywhere "Medic? Are you okay?" You walked in, Medic looked at you and quickly hid his hurt arm "J-Ja I'm f-fine!" He stuttered "no you're not..I saw the cut in your arm" you walked closer to him "let me see it" Medic sighed in defeat and pulled his arm from behind his back "Oh my god!" Your eyes widened and you almost yelled. The cut in his arm was deep "here, let me help you" you pointed to the patient's table. Medic walked over to sit down while you grabbed the needle and thread. Once you finished stitching Medic's arm, you also helped him clean up his lab.

"Danke Fräulein Y/N...jou helped a lot" Medic smiled at you "mhm! No problem" you winked. Medic thought for a moment before walking over to you but in a stalking manner, you backed away only to be pinned to the wall with Medic's arms pinned on either side of your head "jou did gut frau" he leaned his face in closer to yours "how about a kiss?" It wasn't really a question, Medic's face was only an inch away from yours "Yo Doc can ya heal my leg?" Scout bursted into the room. You squeaked and pushed Medic away "hehe, I'll see you later doctor" you walked out the door, leaving Medic to glare at Scout for ruining the moment "ugh...sit down" he proceeded to heal Scout anyway.

You walked away only to be pulled by someone else into a different room. This time you found yourself in the training room, you looked to see who it was and if it had to be was Soldier "hey Soldier, can I help you?" He let go of your arm "yes..uh, how do" he looked away embarrassed "is something wrong?" You asked worried "uh- may go now" he said " ok" you walked out. Soldier felt a blush spread across his face. He was gonna ask you out, but he was shy. You walked into your room and fell on your bed from tiredness.

_______Time Skip_______

You woke up and took a shower in your private bathroom. It was relaxing while it lasted. After some time later it was dinner and you heard Soldier was cooking. You went into the kitchen to check on him, in which he stuttered out 'I can do it by myself' it was cute but you weren't so sure about leaving him to cook by himself. He reassured you three times, pushing you out of the kitchen. You sighed and let him do so. After dinner which Soldier almost started a fire in the kitchen but the food still came out good, you and your team was in the living room on the floor playing some truth or dare. Spy and Sniper usually would just leave but tonight they both were forced to stay "Scout, truth or dare?" Scout looked at you "Dare" "I dare you to dare Pyro" Scout looked at Pyro "I dare you ta burn your drawings" Scout grinned and Pyro looked like he was about to cry. You glared at the Boston "Scout.." "Fine...I dare you to hug someone in this room" Scout sounded bored, Pyro clapped happily and gave you a tight hug "Heavy, truth or dare" "truth" "I dare ya to kiss someone in this room" Heavy blushed in disgust and embarrassment. Just then he remembered...there is a female mercenary "Y/N" he sounded stone cold.

"Eh" you blushed furiously before getting up to walking over to Heavy. He kisses your cheek. Some of the other men were jealous "On the lips" Scout stated "Too late" Heavy shrugged and you laughed before sitting back down in your spot in between Spy and Pyro "Spy, truth or dare"  Heavy smirked, Spy let out a grunt of annoyance "dare.." "I dare you to ask leetle girl question" Spy looked at you, he bit his lip as he hesitated a little "do 'ou forgive us" the other men seemed to wonder the same thing, while you went completely silent. 

You were silent for at least a minute and the men were staring to sweat in worry that you wouldn't forgive them, you let out a sigh "Yes..I forgive you guys" you smiled happily and with that you were pulled into a tight group hug.

The End


Der ya go- I finished it OvO cya guys later! Signed off by: Iamnotbrave..

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