Chapter 18

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~Back to Draconia~


"Man I miss that nerd." I said with a small frown.

"Yeah but during his time here he has changed you...a lot." Tape face said.

"How so?" I asked.

"Well for one you spend less time being angry and being in this office and you come out to actually hang out with everyone else! You even became one of the top favorites in Eri's list. Well next to Midoriya. You two became so close two each other in the matter of two weeks!" Sero exclaimed throwing his hands in the air dramatically.

"Hm. I guess you're right!" I admitted.

"Of course I am!" He said excitedly.

"Tch whatever." I said snarly.

"I'm just saying I mean I've been trying to teach you the meaning and basics of time management for years and he taught you in less than a month!" He said.

"So enough about me and my mate how are you and Shinso?" I asked curiously.

"Great! Thanks for setting me up with him he's awesome!" He exclaimed.

"I'm glad, anyways I want you to go back to your post I will be heading off to bed g'night" I said getting up from my desk.

"Night sir." He said annoyingly.

"You know I hate it when you call me sir!" I said back.

"I know that's why I do it." He said like the jackass he is.

"Tch shut it" I said following behind Sero as we left the office.


After Bakugou left I went back to my post to meet up with Shinso. I saw him and Kirishima talking and walked up to them.

"Hey my lil' beta" He said booping my nose.

"Hey alpha" I cooed wrapping my arms around around his neck from behind.

"Well I'll just head back to my post so I can leave you two lovebirds alone." Kirishima said.

"Thanks Kiri you're the best!" I said smiling.

"Aw shucks man you really know what to say." He said awkwardly patting my back.

He left abruptly and Shinso turned to face me with a smile on his face. He kissed me deeply forcing my lips to part. I kissed back and as we broke the kiss a trail of saliva between us I hugged him closely.

"I love you." I said nuzzling our noses together.

"I love you too" He said nuzzling back.

We started to rock back and forth slowly for a good minute before we broke apart.

"We should get back to work." He said knowingly.

"We really should." I said sighing.

"But I don't wanna!" I whined.

"But we gotta." He said teasingly.

"Tsk fiiiine" I said rolling my eyes.

"Thank you now..."  He said adding a dramatic pause.

"Stand guard!" He yelled making everyone stand straight and stiff at a full heightened senses attention.

Kirishima may be the head guard but when someone is yelling out of nowhere you tend to pay attention. We transformed into our half stage me of course I'm half sky Dragon half beta Wolf so I'm in my combination form.

Halflings Combination with Wolvess:






Byakuya (lol it autocorrected to Bakugou)














And that was the only members in my area...the Throne Room which of course like your average castle/palace is connected to the front entrance. We were all sectioned off based by our ranks the strongest of us would be in the front for in case we are to be attacked the strongest of us would cover everyone else so we could feel even the slightest of safety or protected as they prepare for battle. Of course we're always physically prepared I mean we were bred to kill but... mentally we still feel scared we may be seen as ' barbarians ' or 'warriors' but we're still human at heart. We will always have our morals.

I saw a little birdie with a scroll in its mouth crash into a window. Ouch. A messager bird...

"Makoto leave your post! Go outside the castle and retrieve the message scroll and go back to your post. That's an order!" Kirishima shouted.

Makoto scurried from the back of the throne room and came back with the scroll in a matter of minutes. He handed Kirishima the scroll and abruptly returned to his post. Kirishima unraveled the scroll and started reading aloud for us to hear.

Dear King Bakugou and all of Draconia,
It is quite obvious that you are all bark and no bite! It's quite sad and unflattering considering that you're a wolf. It's also ludicrous that you would ever think to target my son and brainwash him into becoming your love interest then send him back with no consequences. I will finish off your deal and I shall propose a war onto you. Although you have no choice, if you don't attack my kingdom in less than three weeks I will be sure to attack you. The only choice you have in this ordeal is a matter of who strokes first.

With upmost hate of all,
Hisashi Midoriya

As Kirishima read off the name of the sender his voice was tainted with disgust. Kirishima growled baring his teeth in anger.

"We must notify Bakugou immediately! We all know how dangerous Lord Hisashi is!" Mirio exclaimed desperately.

"I know!" Kirishima shouted.

A war is coming....

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