Along came a titan

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The titan walked by himself thinking and pondering; he tried to find a purpose.

Sitting by herself trying to take in the tranquility, the techno organism was staring off in the distance. Her mind distracted by her surroundings, but for some reason she felt soft tremors growing ever more violent as time went on. It snapped her out of her daze: "What the?"

The titan walked not to far from the location approaching closer the tremor increasing as he walks passed the techno organism.

She looked around for the source of the ruckus. When she finally saw him though, she stood up surprised. That was a mistake, as she fell over due to the ground shaking so violently. "*gasp* oh my....! OW!"

The titan continues walking through the lands... walking now further away from her.

'How did I not see him coming?' She thought. 'Was I really that distracted?' She got back up to her feet. 'No catching up on foot, or wheels, for that matter.' Spreading her wings she flew up quickly to try and catch up with him.

He continues walking as he was scouring the land.

'Scrap he's fast...' she thought. "HEY, WAIT UP!" she called, hoping he heard her.

He heard a noise andcould have swor someone is there; he did sense a small life energy and decides to turn looking around.

'Oh, Thank Primus!' she thought.She could barely slow down though, due to the speed she was flying at."Phew, that was a workout..." She tried catching her breath while still hovering. "You're fast for such a big fella."

" Thanks? " He looks at the flying Bot. "I've never seen you before, are you a new bot around?"

"Believe it or not, you caught me by surprise when you walked by. I was distracted, I guess. ^^; But I figured why not socialize? Catching up to you however, was the real challenge" She said. "As a matter of fact, I am new around here. My name's Steelwing."

"Greetings my name is Metroplex,nice to meet you." he smiled at her.

"Likewise." She smiled. "Just out of curiosity; what are you really? I mean, I'm pretty tiny for a bot, so most of em look gigantic to me...but I never seen any bot like you before."

*Smiles*  "I'm a titan bot , and what are you suppose to be? "

"Long and confusing story short; I used to be human, but due to a change in my DNA, I mutated into this dragon creature...Several unwarranted science experiments later, well...This happened." She gestured to herself. "I'm like this Techo-organic, I believe they told me..."

" I'm familiar with such a term, very interesting, and how you feel now?" he looks at her.

"'s a weird feeling to be honest. Being organic for so long and now having to get used to being part bot."

"That is unfortunate. Humans can be cruel indeed."

"I know..." Her audials drooped. "There's also good people too... friends and family. However I had to leave them all behind, because I'm affraid they won't understand. It's been so long since I've been away. They probably think I'm dead or something."

"I understand but they are your family, the ones who should accept you no matter how or what you are. Try talking to them, otherwise you wouldn't know."

You're right. I should at least try. *Smiled*

"No harm in trying; that's a fact. I wish you good luck."

"Thank you, Metroplex."

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