Meditation Mishap

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Author's note:

Please keep in mind that although the character of Steelwing appears in this book, does not mean that what is written in this book is canon to what is being written in the book: "Optimus Prime's Unusual Charge" Names, backstories and such can and will be different from the ones from the character known as 'Zucky' (pronounced like this: Zooky)


*He stopped before the city from the top of the hill, sighs and closes his optics placing his hand on his chest at his spark. But he open his optics and refuses to given up... He turned around and walk off the other side of the room that joins the other city*

*She has no idea what all of this is all about, but hopes at least she did the right thing.*

*Places the last rock in place and retreats into a hidden spot nearby to keep watch.*

*Lays down and whispers* "How Ironic...if this is indeed a dragon's nest, that is..."

*He stop on the second city, to observe. He descends of the cliff by walking gently*

*What a world...She thought it was all normal, whatever written in ancient text about the myths and legends, heck, even modern fictions of all kinds. Just that...fiction.* 

*takes a breath*



__________: Primus once said no matter how big the world or universe is, there's an adventure waiting for you to explore

"Have you met me before, Mister?" *lifts up head to look at him* "Adventure finds me. Even when I don't exactly seek it out." *Flops back down*

__________: Call me _________, I am Ratchet's right hand bot in the field.

"I'm steelwing. Though you may already know that by now." *sits up* "Ratchet, huh? Strange...he never told me about you. But then again, he's always busy with something or other."

___________: That's him alright, always busy with many things that is priority to him.

I'm not very techno-savvy, but it always surprises me how he's able to come up with half the things he does. Crazy inventions, yet they make sense some how...Like a creative spirit, but less whimsical and more logical in a sense.

__________: I made a promise to Lord Draggon that I keep watch over his daughter Diana Draggon but I failed and will regret it.

"No you haven't." *Looks at him* "So, your honor's pretty much safe."

__________: I really appreciate it Steelwing.

*smiles* I bet she would appreciate it that someone's looking after her, wherever she may be.


*He walks into of Magmatron Metropolis, and looks around to see if all are okay*

"Of course not. Why would it be? I mean, I'm here, right?" *whispers to self* "Or else it is the most elaborate dream yet, from which there is no waking"

*He walk in direction of the temple*

*Hears something in the distance. Swivel ears to analyse the sound. Just some ducks.*

*He stops before the door of  the temple, closes his optics*

*Stretches wings a bit, before adjusting them back in place*

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