Purpose and a Stroll

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"I always practice in the early mornings just as the sun is beginning to rise over the horizon."

"Proper scheduled training is always a win."

"Yes it is. Last time, a fish jumped in front of me. I purposely wiped out then too, because I didn't want to hurt the animal."

"You'll get used to the animals on the planet."

"I should already be used to them though... I've been on Earth my whole life up till now ^^;" *She chuckles* "I wonder...are there animal-like lifeforms on Cybertron too?" 

"No not really."

"Oh? That's interesting. Though I heard Primus speak of Dragon-like creatures called Predacons, he did tell me they died out a long time ago. Kinda like the dinosaurs that used to roam the earth."

"Yes indeed, they are dead."

"You know Metroplex, I often think about life itself. How everything is in balance together, like the various pieces of a very big puzzle. It cannot be complete without even just a single piece. But where do I fit in all this? Why am I here for anyway?You know what I mean?"

"You're here for the same reason every one else is here."

"To live our lives to the best of our abilities, right?"

"Of course, always."

"I suppose what that means for me, is; what's done is done, it is what it is, so make the best of what I have to encorporate the best of both worlds into my life."

"Exactly the point. It is good that you understand."


" Very " *smile*

Now that I think about it, it's like the first time I learned how to transform. If someone told me maybe 10 years ago that I would be doing that, I would have been confused how that would have even been possible, because for humans, it looks like a proffesional contortionist trying to dislocate every single bone in their body.

I just wouldn't have believe that person, to be honest. 

"Well, here you are any way."

"Exactly. It's crazy, but it's true." "What about you, Metroplex?"

"What about me ?"

"Well, anything really. It doesn't have to be personal. Besides that, I need to give my voicebox a break. ^^;"

"I'm just a bot like every other one.  We can go on a walk if you want to give it a break."

"That would be great, yes." :)

"Let's go then." *gets up and start to walk.*

*Held on when he stood up.* Okay then" *She was in awe of the view way up here. Sure, she gets a bird's eye view whenever she flies, but she doesn't really pay attention due to her concentration being almost completely invested in the act of flying itself.*

"Understandable. So long as you enjoy yourself."

"I am, this is actually fun" :)

"Wonderful." *Looks around*

*There were great mountains in the distance, hills and valleys; some adorned with forests, other's with just fields of tall grass. Here and there, various bodies of water like lakes and rivers.*

*It looked even more beautiful in person than it ever did in photo's she's seen countless times before. From this vantage point, she could even see herds of animals both wild and domesticated in the distance. 

"Nice place we found."

She sighed "It's more than just wonderful, it's almost magical."

*He looked at the skies. "The clouds have sometimes have shapes."

*points at a cloud* "Like that one. It looks like a turtle."

"Indeed. Intresting... "

*nods* "What shapes do you see?"

Points " that one is a rabbit"

*looks at it* "Yes, yes it does! Ooh, but look at the cloud right in front on the rabbit." *points at it* It kinda looks like a carrot! What are the odds, huh?"

" seems so "

*After pointing out several cloud shapes and exploring the landscape, the sun was beginning to set. Steelwing only now noticed this.*

" the sun is setting it's getting late"

"As the humans say here on earth: 'Time flies when you're having fun.' I should be heading back home so I can go to sleep."

" see you around "

"Sure thing! Have a good night, Metroplex. Pleasant dreams." :) 

 *Hovering off his shoulder she waved good bye and turned to fly back home."

He waves back and smiles " see you later, sleep tight and safe flight "

*She flew away and after a while she dissapeared into a forest.*

He kept walking

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