Crystal Dragonbots

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*Looks at the crystal he threw on the ground.*

*Not sure anyone else noticed it, but she sees what looks like a swirling mass inside it. Definitely not something she's ever seen before.* "Just what are you?" She whispered.

___________: What is it Steelwing

"Does energon normally do this?" *Points at the crystal* "See the swirling mass inside?"

___________: By the allspark! that's no energon crystal, its an egg of what should be exstinct Crystal Dragonbot

"Crystal Dragonbot?"

___________: Yes these Mediaeval creatures was the most beautiful Dragons ever walk on earth eons ago, but they became exstinct due to over hunted and ravage of time

"And they're still alive, how?" I mean, I've read books before...and even with ordinary organic dragons, they need a lot, and I mean a LOT of heat to even survive, let alone hatch from their eggs."

____________: True they do but also need water to cool down and harden the shell.

Perhaps for crystal dragonbots... but Organic dragons, however regulate the temperature with their fire breath.

The warmer the eggs, the more likely Males are born.

The cooler the eggs, the more likely the hatchlings are female.

________: Interesting.

"But if these things needed the heat to form their eggs and perhaps incubate them..." *thinks* "Just a theory, but this might be a dormant volcano."

________: Yeah the soot tells it all.

Not only that, but before Metroplex widened the entrance, the mouth of this cave was really small...almost like a lava pocket.

________: like a lava tube type


________: The bigger the lava tube the wider lava flows.

The tube was very small, so most of it was pretty much trapped in here. I guess the only thing that was escaping was the gas.

________: I believe your right, we autobots must assist those eggs for their sucessfully hatching.

"There's one problem though...You said earlier that these things were alive and well eons ago. An eon is a very long time, let alone several eons..."

________: True however some was hidden in stasis here, so the mother has to be nearby

"Look around you...The world has changed a lot since then...and not only by human hands either. The Ecosystem evolved along with it..."

________: It has changed, many things change through time, that's make sthe world go around

"Won't they be out of place in a modern world as well?" 

 "Not to mention how the humans might react to them...They scare easily...I'm almost certain you know what I'm talking about." 

 "Mama should be right here somewhere... Maybe above? In the ceiling?"

________: Then we must barricade this area for human safety

Yes we should.

________: Then let's do it

*Starts moving the debris left from the broken cave mouth.* "We can't rebuild the part that got broken, but we can create a wall with these to keep people out" 

 "Just try to make it look like it was built by nature and not bots... Oherwise it would stand out."

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