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' hyung, you got all the supplies right? I don't want any last-minute failures.'
' Yea Taehyung ssi- don't worry. I'll get boys to help me.'
' Kamsahamnida Hyung. I'm counting on you. Oh, she woke up! I've to go. Bye'
' Bye'

I cut the call as I heard Lisa call me.

' Taehyung? You woke up so early? What's wrong? Are you okay? Are you sick?' she asked as she put her hand on my forehead to check the temperature. I gently caught hold of her hand and replied.

' No dummy, I'm not. I er- just had some work. Well, I've to go to office now I'll go take a quick bath.'
' But wait- your office starts at 8 right? You one and a half-hour more. Are you seriously okay?'
' Yea I'm. Now let me go. Unless you wanna come too' I winked at her. She rolled her eyes and scoffed and I ran to the bathroom to avoid further more questions.


I looked at him as he ran to the bathroom. Something was seriously wrong with this guy. He was behaving unusual.

Was it related to yesterday's meeting? Was it related to his Dad or the company? I didn't wait to find out. I checked his phone for any recent texts and calls but there was only one to Namjoon oppa. I had hacked his phone and had a software which let me see his deleted chats.

I took my phone and started checking but there was none. So maybe it was nothing about it. I shrugged and tied my hair into a bun.


You went to the kitchen to make breakfast till Taehyung was over with his shower. You could hear him singing, and believe it or not, he sang really well. You loved his voice and it always helped you to calm down.

You made omlets and pancakes for the both of you. You went into the bedroom to get your outfit for today. 

While you were searching for good t-shirts, the bathroom door opened and came out Taehyung, with only a towel wrapped around his waist. He came out whistling, but stopped immediately as he saw you standing there.

It became a bit awkward for you and you both were standing there till you cleared your throat and said, ' T-taehyung ah~ go to your room and get some clothes on. And move I wanna go inside.'

Without a word, he came walking towards you. You stepped back till you hit the closet. He still came closer till your bodies touched. You went full red at his action. Then he put his hand out and you closed your eyes for the next moment. 

When you opened your eyes, he was gone. You looked into the mirror just to see yourself blushing like hell. Even though you guys had done pretty much everything, this small things still troubled you like anything. Getting butterflies..... god it was so common.

Puzzled, you made your way to the bathroom and took a quick bath.


You waited at the mart, for Mark to pick you up. He said he wanted to talk urgently to you. 

The day before you guys did not speak a word after the meeting got over. He quietly got in the car and dropped you home. He did not even say a bye, and that made you worried alot.

It was true that you loved Taehyung even though he was a mafia's kid, but you couldn't resist him. Apart from the illegal stuff, his own true self was really different, or at least maybe he pictured it that way. But you loved every bit of him. You knew his love for you wasn't fake. You both had truly fallen in love with each other over the time and now that was what was giving you second thoughts. 

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