Freshman year was really interesting for me. I was going to john Tyler high school and something about going to John tyler it exicited me. I felt proud to be there. Well my need to feell accepted was diminishing but a bit was still there.
For the first couple of weeks being at John Tyler I was literally late to first period every day for 2 weeks. That's when coach penson stepped in a took hold of my life. He was the head coach in basketball and he and my aunt vannessa where close since she was the principal. He had made it his mission to get me to school on time so I had to get up a hour early just to catch a ride with him. On the bright side I was allowed to work out in the gym every morning to get better.
Coach penson told me one day straight up " you have talent but your talent won't get you far... Your hard work and dedication will get you far." Then I didn't know what he meant by this but now I truly understand.
Well freshman year I was kinda cute over the summer I slimmed up I was about 6'1 then. I also had dreads lol. Well I met a girl named kiara and she was pretty much in all of my classes. I remember like it was yesterday how we finally met we were in English and she felt on my red plaid shirt and was like "ooh you have abs", from then on we would flirt and what not , we grew close and I remember Sept 3, the first john Tyler football game of the season I had planned to go with her. Mom was skeptical about letting me go without a phone so we went to metro and got me my first phone ( which was pretty crappy) well me and kiara hit off quick and that night I asked her to be my girl (I thought I was the shit) well everthing with kiara felt as if I was in my first real relationship never experienced getting my heart broken never. After a while trust issues started to play a role in my relationship and she ended up breaking up With me. Her exact words "You need to grow some balls". I guess I talked to much or I opened up so much to her. Ive told her things in my life I never told anyone else. To me I felt betrayed broken and for a long period of time I was depressed. This built inside of me and I was to soon let it all out.
I truly never confronted her about my feelings and told her how I felt. I didn't think i needed to after all we where only in High school.
My Life
Teen FictionA look into my life, and shows you can overcome any troubles growing up.