Chapter 15 - Stubborn Sasuke

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"Just basics, I wanted to combine it later with my Fuuton. Kakashi-sensei taught me this," said Naruto.

"Hmm, you are really interesting," said Sasuke and activated the first level of the Curse mark.

"What about this?!" Now Sasuke was moving extremely fast and attacked Naruto from behind. Naruto threw up a little blood.

"So you want to play a dirty game," said Naruto.

"Tajuu: Kage bunshin no jutsu!" Each shadow clone had prepared Rasengan.

"Hey, Naruto, you like Sakura, don’t you?" smirked Sasuke and threw Sakura to the water.

"Kai!" yelled Naruto and released his shadow clones.

"You bastard!" yelled Naruto at Sasuke and ran to save Sakura. He saved her, but she was unconcious. Rage was flowing through Naruto’s body.

"Listen, brat, I’ll borrow you my power so you can definitely defeat him," said Kurama.

Naruto wasn’t thinking straight and now he was absorbed by Kurama's chakra. He had one tail on his cloak.

"Where did he get this power?!" thought Sasuke. Naruto was faster than before and attacked Sasuke. Sasuke couldn’t dodge it and caught the attack. Then he had to increase his strength and crossed his seal to the second level. On Naruto's cloak grew second and third tail. He even knew how to do Bijuu dama and it hit Sasuke. Sasuke could no longer maintain his seal and remained lying on the ground.

"All right, Naruto, you won this round!" said Sasuke, but Naruto didn't listen to him and wanted to hit him again. Sasuke tried to cover it up, but it didn't work. Sakura was still unconcious and so there was no one to stop him.

Suddenly, Hinata and Neji appeared, and before Naruto could fire his attack, Hinata hugged him to rid him of anger. Sasuke quickly used a smoke bomb and disappeared. Neji was trying to help Sakura. Naruto calmed down and fell into Hinata's arms. Hinata was feeling bad that she couldn't help Naruto sooner. Naruto was burned from Kurama's Chakra and Hinata smeared her ointment on his burns.

Then she went to see Sakura and smeared her wounds too. After a while Sakura woke up and didn't know what happened. Naruto didn't remember anything since he was controlled by Kyuubi.

"Sasuke-kun?!" But Sasuke was gone. He went probably to Orochimaru.

"W-what happened?" asked Naruto when he woke up.

"N-Naruto-kun, you should stay still," said Hinata.

"That’s good, how is Sakura?" asked Naruto.

"She's okay, I've already treated her wounds."

"Thanks, Hinata, I appreciate that,"  said Naruto.

"Ehh, looks like I can't move," said Naruto.

"I'll help you," said Hinata.

"It's okay, Hinata, besides that I'm glad you're okay," said Naruto and Hinata blushed. Neji saw it and began to act.

"I'll help him, Hinata-sama, you can take care of Sakura." Hinata nodded and went straight to help Sakura. Kiba and Shino were already in a hospital. Kiba’s state wasn’t so serious, but Shino had to go on operation. Gaara won his battle, but only thanks to that Kimimaro succumbed to his illness. Now Naruto and others were heading back to their village.

"Naruto, thank you for trying to stop Sasuke-kun," said Sakura.

"At least you know that I was right," said Naruto.

"Yeah, Sasuke-kun is now a whole new person," said sadly Sakura.

"But you still love him, right?" asked Naruto and Sakura nodded.

Somewhere in the secret basement

"Sasuke-kun, I was waiting for you," said Orochimaru.

"Not interested, give me strength!" said impatiently Sasuke.

"Hmm, you are so impatient. Is it because of Itachi, or is it because of Naruto-kun?"

"Tss, that yellow idiot is not even worth tripping over," said Sasuke.

"You know he’s pretty strong, he even killed my assistant Kabuto with some impressive jutsu. Right now he’s a lot stronger than you, but don’t worry, I will give you power beyond his," said Orochimaru and Sasuke smirked.

Back to Naruto

After awhile they arrived to Konoha and Tsunade called Naruto to her office.

"Uzumaki Naruto, what was that supposed to mean?!" asked Tsunade.

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