Chapter 27 - Naruto vs. Kisame

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Finally they arrived there.

"Naruto, I thought I called only you," said Gaara.

"That’s right, but right now I have a little problem with Kyuubi. Captain Yamato can use Mokuton to calm me down," explained Naruto.

"Alright, it’s okay," said Gaara.

"So why did you want especially me?" asked Naruto.

"My troops are weakened by the Akatsuki attack and now I have no one to send on a spy mission. I think you are perfect for this," said Gaara.

"Okay, what's going on?"

"As you could hear, Akatsuki fell apart. I need you to explore and then dispose of their place. There could be their plans which could someone took advantage of it," said Gaara.

"You are right, it's dangerous," said Naruto.

"After that, can you go exploring Orochimaru’s place? He’s dead so there’s probably only Sasuke," said Gaara.

"Sasuke is strong, but I can ran away from him at worst," said Naruto. Now they went to Akatsuki’s hideout. No one was there. But there was a box with the appearance of Bijuu.

"What’s this?" Naruto found dusty scrolls.

"Capture all Bijuus, took their chakra and restore Chakra fruit. Then create Infinite Tsukuyomi."

"It sounds so unbelievably. That’s why they wanted me and Gaara," thought Naruto. Then he used Katon to burn everything suspicious.

"Who’s here?" asked Kisame when he came from his mission.

"Ha, we have a shark here!" said Naruto.

"You are the one who killed Pain," said Kisame.

"Yeah and he deserved it! Captain Yamato, hide behind. It will be sharp now!" said Naruto and Yamato listened to him. Kisame prepared his Samehada and ran towards Naruto. Naruto threw a marked kunai behind him and hit him with Rasengan.

"I see, it’s true you are new Yellow Flash," said Kisame. Naruto was surprised it was nothing for him.

"Kage bunshin no jutsu!" Naruto smartly hide two shadow clones for Sage mode. Kisame put Naruto to the water prison. Naruto concentrated chakra. Suddenly he had Sage mode.

"Fuuton: Rasen-shuriken!" Naruto didn't throw it and cut himself out then he threw it on Kisame. Samehada swallowed it, but Naruto used this chance and teleported again behind Kisame, then he threw Rasen-shuriken behind his back. Kisame suffered hard damage, but he could still move.

Suddenly from the floor appeared Naruto and punched Kisame. Then Naruto pulled out a scroll. Black flames appeared from it.

"Amaterasu from Itachi, here you go!" It was from the time Kisame and Itachi went to capture Naruto. Jiraiya sealed his black flames and now Naruto had this scroll. It destroyed Samehada because Amaterasu can’t be that easily swallowed.

"You bastard!" said Kisame.

"Fuuton: Rasen-shuriken!" Naruto threw two Rasen-shurikens at him and without Samehada, Kisame couldn’t swallow it. He was dead now.

"I didn’t even need these shadow clones!" said Naruto when his Sage mode vanished. Yamato was again shocked with Naruto’s abilities. Then Naruto destroyed the place and used Sage mode from his shadow clone. Then Naruto sealed it so now one could get in.

"You can use Fuuinjutsu?"

"Yeah, Pervy Sage taught me this and then I found the scrolls from my father," said sadly Naruto. Then they went to Orochimaru’s hideout.

"What a relief, Sasuke’s not here," said Naruto. They explored it and saw kids in test tubes. Yamato had bad memories from it. Naruto saved the kids, but some of them died. Then Naruto saw scrolls with Orochimaru’s controlled ninjutsu and Naruto secretly took it.

"It can be useful," thought Naruto. After they explored it. Naruto did the same as with Akatsuki’s hideout.

"Good work, Naruto," said Yamato.

"Thanks, Captain Yamato," said Naruto. So now they went back to Hidden sand village to report it.

Meanwhile in Konoha. From a far was appearing a figure and everyone thought it was Naruto, but he was alone so it wasn’t possible. Then he entered Konoha. He was hiding his face.

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