Chapter 24 - The cycle of hatred

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Hinata was watching it with her Byakugan and when she saw Naruto in this state, she ran there. Her bodyguard was totally useless and let her go.

"Hinata, don’t go! You know the rules!" yelled Sakura at her, but she wasn’t listening. Hinata stood in front of Naruto now.

"Hinata, ran away! You can’t defeat him! He’ll kill you and I don’t want to see this," said Naruto.

"I will protect you no matter what and I won’t go back words! That’s my ninja way!" said Hinata and wanted to tear down these rods from Naruto. She removed two rods and then Pain shot at her two chakra rods with awful speed.

"Kaiten!" yelled quickly Hinata and barely made it. Then Pain pulled her close to him to keep her away from Naruto.

"Eight Triagrams Sixty-four palms!" Hinata managed to ran away from him and again she removed Naruto’s rods. She removed it all.

"Hinata, ran away! Why are you even doing this?! I’m not worthy!" yelled at her Naruto.

"I’m doing this because… I LOVE YOU," said Hinata her last words and then Pain hit the ground with her. Her head was bleeding badly and her chest stopped moving.

"H-Hinata, she’s not breathing!" said Naruto in fear and suddenly everything was red. Naruto was in Kurama’s hands now.

"Take off the seal, we can defeat him together!" said Kurama and Naruto wasn’t thinking straight. The pain was worse than the pain about Jiraiya’s death. Now Naruto had 8 tails and looked like a Kyuubi.

"Now you know my pain," said Pain. When Naruto went to remove the seal, someone caught his wrist.

"You can’t do this!" said Minato.

"Huh? Fouth Hokage? Dad?!" said Naruto.

"So you know about me," said Minato and looked at him.

"How old are you?"

"15," said Naruto.

"As I see you mastered my jutsu," said Minato when he saw Naruto’s marked kunais.

"Don't say it! You know what pain I went through when you sealed that stupid demon in me?!"

"Haha, I know I ruined your life by it, but I did it for the village and mainly for you. I know you’ll master him someday," said Minato and stroked his head.

"That thing took everything from me and you think I want to master it?! Because of it, my parents, Pervy Sage, Kakashi-sensei and Hinata died!" Naruto clenched his fists.

"Wait, Jiraiya-sensei and Kakashi is… and who is Hinata?“

"The girl I like, she tried to protect me and now she’s…"

"That’s why you should go back and save everyone, do it for her," said Minato and restored Naruto’s seal. Now he was slowly vanishing and Naruto hugged him before his dissappearence.

"Hinata," thought Naruto and went back.

Now when he was in his senses again, he saw Pain used on him Chibaku tensei. He also had Sage mode and didn’t feel Hinata’s chakra which hurt him. Sakura tried to save her, but it was too late. Naruto was enraged. He threw marked kunai behind Pain’s back and finished him with Rasengan. Deva Path was down.

"Now the real one," thought Naruto and went to look after Nagato. He was hidden in a tree from paper. He went inside and Konan stood up in front of Nagato.

"Chill, I just want to talk, no fights," said Naruto.Even when he said this, he felt hatred in his heart.

"It’s okay, Konan, I want him to answer me on something," said Nagato and told Naruto his backstory...

"In the world will never be peace. There will always be a pain and then hate. It’s a cycle of hatred. What’s your answer when you know all of it?" asked Nagato.

"You are right, there’s no peace in the world, but together we can change it. I will fight for Pervy Sage’s dreams and because I know pain very well, I know that everyone has to go through it, but he has to have someone who helps him with his pain. You have Konan, I have my friends who you didn’t kill. Sorry, but I won’t forgive you for Jiraiya, Kakashi and mainly for Hinata, but I will continue in my dreams. Maybe one day I’ll be Hokage and make a lovely village where everyone will be equal and will have the will of fire. That’s my dream which I will work hard for and one day I’ll achieve it!" said Naruto.

"You are truly Jiraiya’s student. With Jiraiya I won’t do anything, but I can revive everyone who died in Konoha," said Nagato.

"But Nagato, you’ll die if you use it!" said worried Konan.

"I’m sorry, Konan, I’m going to Yahiko. Rinne Tensei!" said Nagato and slowly died which brought dead to life. Konan cried over his death and then gave Naruto flowers of paper.

"Nagato believed in you and so am I," said Konan and flew away.

"Tss, they are so naive! Like I would want to be Hokage of this awful village! I did it just to bring Hinata back. I got him with this," thought Naruto and teleported back to Konoha.

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