Chapter 33 - Rogue ninjas

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They were finding something about his plan. Suddenly Naruto found an old scroll with some report.

"Uchiha Itachi, clan extermination for the village's safety. For the rest of life marked as a rogue ninja." Naruto read it all and learned that Itachi was just a victim of Danzo's crazy ideas.

"It can be useful." Naruto smirked and kept it for later. Sasuke didn't find anything new. Just something about Kyuubi. Suddenly the village was under attack.

"KAATSUU!" yelled Deidara on his bird. Naruto didn't have any intetions to save the village and decided to use this moment for his dissappearence.

"Hey, you art maniac! Here I go!" yelled Naruto and used Kage bunshin no jutsu. He transported him there with Rasengan. Deidara let explode it. Sasuke wanted to attack him too but Naruto caught his wrist.

"What are you doing?! We have to save the village!" said Sasuke.

"Read this!" said Naruto and in the meantime he went to attack Deidara. He used his prepared shadow clone with Sage mode and teleported behind Deidara. He wanted to threw Rasen-shuriken at him, but Deidara threw a bomb at him. Naruto teleported back to Sasuke and dodged Deidara's attack. Naruto saw Sasuke's upset face.

"What do you say on this?"

"I will murder everyone in this disgusted village! I will revenge my brother!"

"Good, now listen to me. I have a plan how to get us out of here!" said Naruto and Sasuke listened to him. Suddenly Deidara used his last rest of clay and made a big bomb. It fell straight on Naruto and Sasuke.

"KAATSUU!" yelled Deidara. Someone made barier to save the village. When Deidara looked at the place where should be Naruto and Sasuke, there was no one. Just big hole.


"Yellow Pikachu? Who's this?!"

"STUPID VILLAGERS, YOUR YELLOW FLASH IS DEAD WITH HIS UCHIHA FRIEND! SASORI, PAIN, THIS IS MY REVENGE!" yelled Deidara and the whole village was scared. Their hero is no more.

"NOOOO!" yelled Hinata and cried. Sakura cried as well. Deidara ran out of his clay and flew away. His job was done. Whole village fell into depression and didn't have any energy to spy on Deidara.

Meanwhile somewhere in the forest

"Uff, it was a close!" said Naruto.

"Where are we?" asked Sasuke.

"This is Pervy Sage's grave, I knew this will be useful," said Naruto and took his marked kunai.

"Leave it here, someone could notice it's dissappearence," said Sasuke.

"Only Hinata knows about this place but okay," said Naruto and put it back. Then Sasuke took Naruto to one of Orochimaru's secret sealed hideout which no one found yet.

"Why did you do this anyway?" asked Sasuke.

"Okay, I'll tell you the truth. I've planned this since my years in academy. Since my birth everyone has been hating on me. I didn't even know why till Orochimaru told me. I began to hate the village even more. All I was for them was a monster. After I defeated Pain, their fake butts came to me and pronounced me as a hero of this stupid village. Some people even said that it's my fault that Pain came just because I have Kyuubi. They didn't even try to protect me from Akatsuki. They wanted them to kill me for their safety. I was just a weapon which Hokage was using for stability between nations. Tell me, could I even be happy there?" said Naruto.

"I see. You were masking your true feelings," said Sasuke.

"But now you hurt your ex-girlfriend with your fake death. She can commit suicide you know," said Sasuke.

"Her stupid father wouldn't let her and she's now married, I don't care about her anymore," said Naruto.

"You know it's not true, but okay," said Sasuke.

"Tss, you did the same to Sakura," said Naruto.

"Heh, she's just an annoyance, I never really cared about her," said Sasuke.

"Good, we don't need any commitments-ttebayo," said Naruto.

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