❤Chapter 10❤

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ELI by Fireboy 😍😍

You don't drown by jumping into the water, but you drown by staying submerged_(me i dont know who said it oh😂😂)

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It's Friday, the last day of test week. Finally! I have just one paper today since I wasn't offering economics. (I hate economics like..)

The week has been so stressful coupled with the whole drama about David finding out about Ruby. We hadn't really gotten the chance to talk about it after then except the time I made him swear not to tell anyone else.

I still think Miyah overheard me and David talking about ruby. She has been giving me these strange looks and its freaking me out. She hasn't talked to me much and she's kinda giving me cold shoulders. Anytime I talked to her, her reply was either 'yes', 'no', or 'okay'. To be very honest, I miss her. I miss the freaky and talkative Miyah.

Mide on the other hand has been busy with her books. I thought she was serious minded before, but seeing her this week, she's a book freak. No wonder she's the best in the class. She deserved it. We've kinda become distant. We've not spoken since tuesday. I don't understand her anymore. She makes it feel like I'm her responsibility. Like she owes it to me to be my friend.

Now that I think about it, i'm alone and I don't like how it feels to be alone. I was seated, wallowing in my loneliness when a voice jerked me out of my thoughts.

"Suzie! "

"Hi, David"i said dryly.

"Whats wrong? You look sick"
I'm more than sick.

"Its nothing. Just stressed out lately"

"Okay, if you say so"
I nodded.

"Can we talk for a moment?"


"Not here. Come with me"

He turned to go and i followed him. I trailed behind him like a lost puppy as he walked on to wherever he was taking me. I was surprised when we got to a garden behind the Ss2 block. How come i never noticed it?!. There were few students there. Exactly what i needed.

David sat on the grass and crossed his legs, i did the same but i stretched out my legs.

"What's this place? "

"Its a garden. Its usually used for student's body meetings"

I made an 'o' sound.

"So what did you want to talk to me about? "

"About you".

I pretended to think for a while.

"What about me?"i said, feigning ignorance.

"Stop pretending."

I sighed and chuckled. David seemed to understand me more than i thought.

"How did it happen?"

"My boyfriend.....ex"

David gave me a strange look and i knew exactly what was on his mind.

"He raped me"

He sat up abruptly in shock. He had a look of surprise,then guilt. He definitely wasn't expecting it.

"Sorry"was all he could say

"For? "

"I dont know....the... "

"It's nothing. I know how you feel"

Diary of a teen mom(Editing)Where stories live. Discover now