Chapter One - A Tipsy Accident

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"I dare you to kiss Bakugou!"

Uraraka imitated a buzzer sound as her hands crossed over her chest to form an 'X', "No can do. I'm saving my first kiss for someone special."

Denki laughed, "Guess you aren't special." He joked as he elbowed Bakugou.

Bakugou glared at him, "No shit, Sherlock. I hardly talk to Pink Cheeks."

The explosive blonde took another long drink from his red solo cup. Why did he even bother coming to the stupid party? He hated parties. He hated things like this. He glanced over at Kirishima and Mina sucking face. That's why he came; Kirishima claimed to need a wingman to get with Mina.

"Fucking liar." Bakugou quietly growled into his cup. If it weren't for Kirishima, Bakugou could've been in his dorm room.

"You say something, Bakugou?" Sero quickly looked over, eyebrows furrowed together to form a worried expression.

Unknown to most people was that Sero was very good at picking up social cues. He was kind of like a dog because of how he could just tell what people were thinking. Maybe that's why Bakugou didn't mind hanging out with him from time to time.

Bakugou merely grunted as he took another sip. Great, he could finally feel the alcohol kick in- it would make the hell he was in a bit more bearable. He got up. He was done playing this stupid game of Truth or Dare that Kaminari had dragged him into. He just wanted to go outside. He hoped that the air would help him cool down. He could feel Sero's eyes on him as walked towards to front door of Jirou's family home.

He felt the cold air sting his face. Maybe it was the alcohol that made him feel colder than normal. He zipped up his All Might Hoodie and tossed the hood over his head. Deku wasn't the only one in 1-A with All Might Merch- Bakugou was just as big a fan, he always had been.

He heard the door open behind him. He ignored it, writing it off as someone just heading back to the dorms. He downed the rest of his drink in one big gulp.

"Um, Izuku?"

"What?" He quickly turned around to see who was behind him, who had mistook him for that weak little Deku.

Before he could get another word out, someone's lips crashed against his. Maybe it was because he was drunk, but he leaned into the kiss. It was warm and soft... it was nice. The other person pulled away and let out a squeak.


Bakugou looked down to see none other than Pink Cheeks Uraraka.

She was a blushing mess, "Ah, I'm so sorry Bakugou! I thought you were Deku!! Please just forget that this happened!" She stumbled over her words as she quickly tried to explain the situation.

"Huh?" How could she mistake someone as strong as him for that puny Deku?

"I just saw the All Might hoodie through the window... geez I really shouldn't drink and make decisions."

He couldn't help but chuckle at the irony.

She raised an eyebrow, "What's so funny?"

"Guess I am someone special after all."

If she wasn't red before, she was a fire truck now. "It was an honest mistake!" She slapped his chest.

He grabbed her wrist, "Calm down. It doesn't mean anything. Don't get your panties-" Her eyes widened at the word, "- in a twist. We were both tipsy."

Before she could get another word out he left. He quickly sent Kirishima a text, letting the redhead know he went home.

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