Chapter Three - Back to Class

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Uraraka was usually excited for school but today she practically crawled to the class room. Her legs didn't want to take her to a place she didn't want to be. Not with Bakugou and Midoriya there.

What if Bakugou told everyone? What if Midoriya found out and didn't want to talk to her anymore? After all, Bakugou was his bully since childhood. She hadn't even used her quirk yet and she was feeling sick.

"Maybe I should just go home..." She muttered under her breath as she sulked to the classroom. She stopped in front of the door- which seemed 10 times bigger than usual.

You'll be fine. Bakugou doesn't seem like the type to kiss and tell. She reassured herself before walking in and taking her seat. Looking around she was glad to see that so far neither of the boys on her mind were there. She had some time to mentally prepare herself.

What if they started fighting? What if they fought over her? Uraraka giggled at her dumb thoughts. Wasn't it every girl's dream to have two boys fight over them? She was so typical. So boring. So predictable. Maybe it was a good thing she didn't kiss Midoriya. After all, why would he like a plain girl like her? He deserved someone better.

"Everything okay Ochako?" Tsuyu looked down at her friend with worried eyes.

"Just tired!" Ochako lied through her smile.

Tsuyu didn't seem too convinced but decided not to push. Ochako wished she had played sick today... for forever.

___ POV CHANGE ___

"BAKUHOE!" Denki slammed his hand down on Bakugou's back.

"I TOLD YOU NOT TO CALL ME THAT!" Bakugou turned around, pratically foaming at the mouth.

Denki gave him a cheesy grin. It was like the pikachu rip-off was oblivious to everything. One day, he was going to get his ass seriously handed to him.

Sero laughed, "Calm down Sparky." Bakugou rolled his eyes. He was surrounded by stupidity.

The trio made their way to the classroom. Bakugou sat down at his seat. He took out his notebook and pencil before he flipped to a random page. He began mindlessly doodling.

"What're you drawing?" Bakugou looked up to see Jirou staring down at him. She smirked, "Oh I see."

What did that mean? Bakugou looked down at his paper to see a simple doodle. A simple doodle that clearly resembled Pink Cheeks. Shit.

"Fuck off Emo Queen." Bakugou growled.

"Calm your tits, Powder Keg." Jirou quickly snapped back as she got out her supplies. Unlike most of the girls, Jirou wasn't afraid to talk back to Bakugou.

After a small silence, Bakugou finally spoke up. "Did she say anything about it? I know you guys hang out every weekend."


"What'd she say?"

"What's it to you?"

"Nothing, I'm just curious."

"Then ask her."

Bakugou frowned, "Why should I? You can just tell me."

Jirou leaned back in her chair, "I could... but there's no fun in that."

Bakugou glared daggers at his purple-haired classmate. He didn't want to waste time walking to Uraraka when Jirou could just tell him.

"You know what could be fun? An arcade hangout with a certain electric rat." Bakugou grinned as Jirou straightened up. He had her right where he wanted.

"I mean... I guess that would be fun...." Jirou trailed off as she talked into her hand.

"I'd be willing to offer my services if you tell me what I want."

"First, riddle me this Bakugou. Why do you want to know?"

He raised an eyebrow, "I already told you. I'm curious."

Jirou shook her head, "That's a lie Bakugou and we both know it. I think I know why you're so keen on knowing."


"Yeah. It was your first kiss too and you can't stop thinking about it."

"Quit your bullshit, Earphones!" Bakugou sputtered out.

Jirou laughed, "I fucking knew it! Who would want to kiss a mouth like that?"

"Lots of chicks! Like Round Face!"

"Oh please, that was a purely accidental mistake."

Just as Bakugou was about to spit out another sentence, Aizawa walked into the classroom right as the bell rung.

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