Chapter Seven - Bathroom Talk

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Ochako sat on the closed toilet, bathroom stall locked. She was shaking and felt so close to crying and yet the tears refused to spill. Why did they have to make a scene? Why didn't I say anything? Why didn't I just throw away my own trash? How did I get into this mess? Questions kept running through her mind only to leave unanswered.

"I'm going to shoot acid at those two!" Mina's cheeks were puffed up and her fists were clenched on the other side of the stall.

"How disgraceful. They could've done it in private." Momo frowned.

"They're a bunch of asses for making you go through that, 'Chako." Jirou glared as she twirled her headphone jack around her finger.

"We were supposed to go to the arcade after this. I think we should just call it a day and head home. We don't want things to get even more intense." Tsuyu ribbited.

The rest of the girls nodded, agreeing to just leave. That's when the tears started. Uraraka cried inside the stall, blubbering out an apology to her friends "I-I'm sorry I ruined the day."

"Sweetie, you didn't ruin anything. Those stupid boys did." Momo comforted her friend.

Uraraka sobbed harder, "No, I ruined it! I should've just said I was sick and stayed home."

"Shut the hell up, Ochako." Jirou's voice was stern and seemed to shake the room. The bathroom went quiet aside from the faint sound of water running through the pipes.

"What the hell Jirou? She's crying!" Hagakure waved her arms around, evident by her sleeves moving. Ochako hiccuped as she tried to hold back her tears.

"Open the door." Jirou commanded.

Ochako glumly got up from her seat on the toilet and unlocked the stall door. Kyoka opened the door and pulled Ochako into a hug.

"Listen, you don't have to do anything. You didn't cause this. It was going to happen sooner or later. They've always had issues and now this is just another competition. They're not thinking about anyone but themselves and I'm going to go out there and yell the fuck out of them, got it?"

Ochako giggled, calming down a bit. Jirou could always pep people up though in the weirdest ways.

"Really rip into them for me?" Ochako quietly asked.

"You got it. Now wipe away those tears, take some breaths, and calm down." Kyoka grinned at Ochako before leaving the bathroom.

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