Chapter Eight - Sit The Fuck Down

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Bakugou sat next to Deku, much to his dismay. He didn't want to be anywhere near the green-haired loser. And yet anytime he tried to leave, he was met with the same thing.

"Sit the fuck down." And a quick jab to his forehead from Jirou's headphone jack.

Jirou glared at both the boys, arms crossed. If any of the girls were not to be messed with, it was Jirou. She wasn't afraid to confront anybody on their bullshit. Sure she could be shy at times, but once you messed with her or her friends, it was lights out. As soon as she came out of the bathroom she had dragged the two boys by their ears to a secluded table where she was now ripping into them;

"Are you guys fucking twelve again? I'm honestly in so much fucking awe that you two had the balls to behave like that. Did you two ever think about how your fucking behavior might make Ochako feel? I swear. How is it possible for two bastards to be this selfish? For loking her, both you are so inconsiderate to her feelings." Jirou ranted. She had the foulest mouth of the girls in Class 1A.

But she was right. Bakugou knew it, he just didn't want to admit it. He was being selfish and just thinking about himself. Well, keeping her to himself that is.

"Wait, you like Uraraka Kacchan!?" Deku's turned towards the explosive blonde.

Bakugou rolled his eyes, "Didn't I make it fucking obvious when I kissed her?"

"You kissed her...?" Deku's voice gradually quieted.

Bakugou smirked, "Twice."

"She never told me." Deku's face fell.

"Wait twice? I knew about the time at my party but when did the second happen?" Jirou questioned. Seemed like curiosity got the best of her as she calmed down.

"Today." The blonde answered as he leaned back in his chair. He took out his phone, opening to the picture he had taken.

"Damn." Jirou muttered.

Bakugou nodded, "Snap out of your daydream Deku. She doesn't like you."

Midoriya clenched his fists as he looked down at his lap. Like always, his eyes welled with tears.

"Are we done here, Earphones?"

Jirou couldn't respond as Midoriya answered first, "No."

"What'd you just say?" Bakugou's temper flared up.

"We're not done, Kacchan. I'm not going to quit that easily." Green eyes met red as the boys exchanged an aggressive stare.

"Unlucky for you, I'm not afraid to beat it into you."

"Guys shut up, this is exactly the opposite of what Ochako wants." Jirou tried to shut down the situation but the boys ignored her.

"I've always let you win and I'm sick of it.... I want to win for once." Midoriya stated.

"So this is more about competeting with Powder Keg than liking Ochako?" Jirou angrily asked, only to be ignored.

"I'll let you in on a secret. She doesn't like you. Why would she like a dork like you?" Bakugou stood up, towering over his green-haired classmate.

"Why would she like a rude and loud and always angry son of a bi-" Midoriya started only to be cut off but a first to the face. He was knocked out of his seat and onto the floor.

"Stop!" Jirou yelled. A few passerbys started to look for security.

"Two things to remember, Deku. One, Ochako is mine. Two, never fucking insult me." Bakugou glared down at the fallen boy. He was tempted to spit on him.

"I'm tired of you always getting your way!" Midoriya got up and swung. His fist grazed Bakugou's chin.

"Fuckkk." Jirou's eyes widened as she began to call for security.

The fight caught the attention of a pair of security guards who ran over and pulled the boys off of each other before the fight turned more aggressive.

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