Chapter Two - Tea Spill

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"You kissed Bakugou!?" Mina exploded as she knocked over the cup of tea on her night stand.

It was Girl's Day Sunday- a tradition for the Class 1-A girls. Every Sunday, they would get together for a few hours to hang out and exchange the week's news. Today, the girls were in Mina's dorm.

Uraraka sheepishly nodded, covering her bright face with her hands, "I really thought he was Deku! How was I supposed to know they had the same All Might hoodie?"

"Well how was it?" Tsu croaked.

"Huh?" Uraraka lowered her hands to stare at her frog-eyed friend.

"The kiss. Was it at least nice? It was your first kiss after all." Tsu was blunt as usual.

"Oh yeah! How was it?" Toru exclaimed. Based on the moving clothes, Uraraka could tell she was excited.

All eyes were on her as Uraraka thought back to Friday night. It was cold outside but Bakugou's lips were warm. Her head felt light and fuzzy, but in a good way. She finally squeaked out an answer, "It was nice...."

Girlish shrieks filled the room only to quiet down a moment later.

"So, Ochako," all eyes turned to Momo. "Does this kiss change your feelings towards Midoriya?"

"You guys have so many question. She's probably still taking it in." Jirou leaned back in Mina's desk chair. She was the most protective of her friends.

"I didn't mean to overwhelm you, I was just curious. I apologize." Momo was quick to keep her manners as always.

"No no, it's fine! As to your question, I think I still like him.."

"It's easy to tell if you do or not," Mina chimed in.

"How?" Toru squealed. She really liked drama. It was no surprise she was a sucker for dramas and reality tv shows.

"Just kiss him. See if you get that same fuzzy feeling inside." Mina patted Uraraka's head on her way to get a few napkins to clean up the tea from earlier.

"Huh!? I can't just kiss him! What if I don't like him and it just confuses him? Isn't that mean? I don't want-" Uraraka started rambling before Jirou cut her off.

"Chill. You don't have to kiss anyone you don't want to. You'll find out tomorrow when you see them both anyways."

Uraraka's heart sank. She had forgotten that she had to see Midoriya and Bakugou tomorrow. Suddenly the weekend felt too short.

Tsu changed the subject, much to Uraraka's delight. "Should we get some ice cream?"

The girls all cheered and got up, chanting the childish rhyme;

"I scream! You scream! We all scream for ice cream!"


"Oh shit man! Uraraka!?" Kirishima started laughing.

"What's so funny, shitty hair?!" Bakugou glared at his shark-toothed best friend.

"Kaminari told me what happened during the game earlier. It's just ironic."

Bakugou had thought the same thing and it really was ironic. After that big show of wanting her first kiss to be with someone special and then kissing Bakugou. It was laughable.

"So she wanted to kiss Midoriya instead?" Kirishima tossed a small ball between his hands.

"Yup." Bakugou doodled on the edge of Kirishima's goal list. Kirishima liked to have his goals written down. 'Makes them easier to remember and achieve!' He had said when Bakugou asked why he didn't just keep them in his phone.

"They'll probably date soon." Kirishima began tossing the ball against his headboard.

The lead in Bakugou's pencil broke, "What makes you say that?"

"She likes him, obviously. I mean she wanted to kiss the guy. And Deku seems to like her. Goes red in the face whenever he's around her."

"Probably. I'm just confused as to why she likes that worthless loser."

"Bakugou chill. Midoriya is a pretty good guy. He saved your ass after all." Kirishima said, referring to the kidnapping incident.

"Tch." Bakugou began making a dark circle. He was pressing hard, making the circle as dark as he could. The paper gave away and the pencil cut through the thin material.

Kirishima glanced over at Bakugou. The blonde was upset about something- it was clear to see.

"How about a game or two of COD?" Kirishima tossed Bakugou a controller.

"Fuck yeah!" Bakugou tossed the pencil on the desk and turned the chair to face the TV in Kiri's room.

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