Chapter Six - Trashy Tensions

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The class played a few more rounds of laser tag, stopping to take a few pictures every now and then. Bakugou thought back to the picture on his phone from their second kiss. During these class pictures, the two distanced themselves but that didn't stop them from ocassionally looking at one another.

After the time limit for laser tag ran out, the class decided to head to the food court in the mall. There was a decent amound of food vendors to pick from so the class split up, agreeing to meet in the middle of the seating area.

Bakugou instantly went for the Matsuya booth, ordering a spicy curry rice dish. As he walked back to the tables, he noticed Ochako sitting alone as she fiddled with her thumbs; it seemed she didn't have any intention of eating. That's when he remembered that her family wasn't in the best financial position, evident by her older phone. He turned on his heel and ordered a beef bowl.

"Here." He set the beef bowl down in front of his classmate before sitting at a different table. He sat at the table in front of her, taking the seat opposite of her so that even while they were at different tables they faced each other.

"Thanks.." Her voice was shaky, as was her hand when she picked up a pair of chopsticks. She couldn't hide her emotions as well as he could.

The rest of the class made their way back to the tables. Mina sat in front of Bakugou, Kirishima beside her. Denki and Sero sat next to Bakugou. At Ochako's table, Deku, Iida, Tsuyu, and Todoroki sat down. Bakugou glared daggers at the back of Deku's head.

"Bakugou? Excuse me!" Mina waved a hand in front of the explosive blonde's face.

"What do you want, Raccoon Eyes?" He questioned as he took a bite of his curry.

"How come you're looking at Ochako in this picture?"

Bakugou, shocked by the question, started choking on his curry. Both Denki and Sero slapped him on the back and after a few coughs, he was fine.

"Wh-What?" He sputtered out.

Mina tapped on her phone screen, which happened to be the one that took the pictures in the laser tag arena. On the screen was the class picture from after laser tag zoomed into Bakugou- who happened to be staring right at Ochako.

Sero grinned, "Looks like Bakugou has a crush."

Bakugou could feel his face warm as his friends continued to tease him, "No! I just thought I heard something. Fucking delete that!"

Mina wagged her finger, "No way! I'm keeping it."

"Is he staring at her in all the pictures?" Kirishima asked as he swiped through Mina's camera roll.

"Not all of them, but look- Ochako's staring at him in this one!" Mina squealed. She held her phone up for the other boys to see.

"Lucky." Denki pouted. Bakugou remembered earlier in the year when Denki complained about Uraraka ignoring him for Deku.

"Good for you man!" Sero congratulated.

As his stupid friends continued talking, Bakugou tuned them out. He continued eating, hoping the day would soon be over.

___ POV CHANGE ___

Bakugou likes you.

Uraraka's cheeks flamed as she read the text from Mina.

"Something wrong, Ochako?" Tsu seemed worried.

Ochako quickly thrust her phone at her froggy friend. Tsuyu looked at the phone, then Bakugou, and finally at Uraraka. She slid the phone back to her.

"What's going on?" Izuku asked, his eyebrows knitted in concern.

"N-Nothing!" Ochako quickly squeaked.

Iida and Todorki exchanged a look as Midoriya raised an eyebrow. It was obvious that the boys didn't buy her lame excuse at a lie, but she had bigger problems to worry about. She quickly typed out a text to Mina- what do you mean? She didn't know if Bakugou had told her pink friend about the laser tag kiss and frankly, she didn't think she was ready for anyone to know about it.

In the group pictures he's looking right at you! Mina shot back.

Before Ochako could respond, Midoriya tapped her shoulder.

"Hey, I'm tossing out my trash. Want me to take yours?" He smiled.

Ochako felt her heart face. She was starting to remember why she liked him in the first place. His smile was so pure and heart warming.

"Sure!" She gave an awkward smile back.

As Midoriya went to grab Uraraka's empty bowl, Bakugou angrily grabbed it. He shot Izuku a nasty glare. "I'm taking her trash Deku," he snarled.

Uraraka covered her face with her hands. Why did this have to happen in front of all of her classmates?

"Excuse me," Tsu croaked as she pushed herself between Midoriya and Bakugou. She took Uraraka's hand and guided the poor girl to the bathrooms to get away from the gloomy aura that had set over the tables.

Without a second of hesitation, the rest of the Class 1A girls followed the pair into the bathroom.

___ POV CHANGE ___

"You never take other people's trash. Why now?" Deku seemed mildly upset. Was it because Uraraka's involved?

"It's only fair that I toss out what I bought." Bakugou's lips curved into a sadistic smile as Deku's eyes widened.

"You bought her lunch...? I offered but she said she didn't want anything!"

Bakugou held up her trash, "Well it's all gone so she obviously wanted it."

The rest of the class began to murmur as Bakugou took a step towards Deku.

"Back off. Got it, nerd?" Bakugou placed a hand on Deku's shoulder, setting off a few small sparks. Deku winced as the sparks burned his shirt.

"Bakugou! Midoriya! That's enough!" Iida quickly placed himself between the two boys. As class president, he felt responsible for keeping their rivalry in check.

"Whatever, Four Eyes." Bakugou pushed past them to throw away the trash.

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