Chapter Five - A New Way to Play Laser Tag

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"I will not run, jump, or climb." The laser tag attendant told the class.

"I will not run, jump, or climb." The class repeated back.

The laser tag attendant, who couldn't have been more than a few years older than the class, looked absolutely done with his job as he recited rule after rule. Some of the students didn't even bother repeating the rules, as most of them were common sense- such as don't use your quirk.

"Okay, split into four teams."

After some buzzing and bickering, the class decided on teams. Team Blue consisted of Aoyoma, Denki, Ojiro, Hagakure, and Kouda. Team Yellow was made up of Iida, Midoriya, Todoroki, Shouji, and Mineta. Bakugou, Kirishima, Jirou, Mina, and Tokoyomai formed Team Red while Ochako, Sero, Tsuyu, Satou, and Yaoyorozu made up Team Green.

Each team went into their respected area and set up their laser tag equipment. Bakugou didn't mind his teammates- they were all decent enough. Kirishima never backed down from a challenge and Jirou had guts. Mina had good reflexes although her constant giggling could get annoying at times. As for Tokoyami, he was a decent opponent who had good music taste.

The buzzer sounded and the students rushed into the arena. Team Red had decided to all split up. Each member would go to a different corner, one to the middle, of the arena to slowly eliminate the competition one by one. They all ran off to their agreed upon corners.

Bakugou hunched over a bit more than usual as he held the laser rifle in his hands. He stopped- footsteps. He look around, quickly spotting a foot disappear behind a wall. He grinned a slightly evil grin- his first target had been spotted.

Like a predator he quietly and swiftly made his way towards the wall. The wall in question wasn't very tall. Bakugou rolled his eyes as he remembered the don't climb rule from earlier- fuck it. He grabbed the top of the wall and hoisted himself up. He jumped down over the wall, pointing his gun at the brunette hiding behind the wall.

"Bakugou?" A voice squeaked out.

Now that he could actually see who was there, Bakugou laid eyes on Ochako. She pointed her gun at him.

"Where's your team?" He asked, looking between the gun and her.

"I don't know. We all split up." So his team wasn't the only one with that plan.

He glanced at her hand, noticing her finger slowly move towards the trigger to shoot him. No way was he going down that easily. He quickly moved to the side as she shot. He charged at her, grabbing the barrel of her gun with one hand and pushing it against the wall.

"Not on my watch, Pink Cheeks."

"Uhh Bakugou?" Her voice was quiet and faltering.

He raised an eyebrow.

"You're kind of really really close to me."

He took in the situation. He had her practically pinned against the wall, so close that he could smell her vanilla-scented shampoo. She stared up at him like a deer in headlights as her cheeks were pinker than normal.


Uraraka's heart raced as she looked into his crimson eyes. This was definitely not how you played laser tag. However the situation made things clear. Her heart pounded in her chest as she could smell the nitroglycerin- which had a caramel scent. Her face felt warm and her legs felt like they would give out from under her. There was no denying that she didn't have at least a tiny crush on the class's hothead.

"Oh shit..." Bakugou's voice trailed off. It seemed that he finally understood the position he had put them in. His eyes looked down at her lips and her breath hitched. He looked back up at her eyes as he dropped his gun. He twisted her gun from her hands, also letting it clatter to the floor.

Ochako felt like she was going to explode as she felt his hands on her; one against her neck and the other moving her head closer to his. The amount of space between their lips lessened until there was nothing. His hands felt warm, as did her lips. She felt warm as she leaned into the kiss, the smell of caramel even stronger now. She felt him remove his hand from the back of her head.

Click. She heard the sound of a phone camera taking a picture.

He broke it off, taking a step back. Both of them let out a breath of air. She looked at his hand, where he held his phone. Before she could even think, he scooped down and picked up his laser gun. He looked her in the eye before he shot her and walked away without a second glance.

"What just happened?" She wondered aloud as her vest buzzed.

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