Chapter Ten - So It's True

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"So it's true."

Ochako quickly pulled back from Bakugou, jerking her head towards her open door. Midoriya stood there, lip quivering as he dropped a single pink carnation.

"Izuku..." The tension in the air was thick as the pair looked at the lone boy in the doorway.

"I didn't want to believe it was true.... I just came here to talk to you and...." His voice trailed off as the freckled boy broke into tears. He wiped his eyes with his sleeve as he bit his lip to stop it from trembling.

"Izuku." Ochako pushed back her seat, making Bakugou stumble as he lost balance. She got up to walk over to her friend only to be stopped by a warm hand on her wrist.

She turned around. Bakugou looked up at her, eyes almost pleading her not to go, as his hand held her back. Why do I have to choose? On one hand, she felt something with Bakugou- a spark. On the other, Izuku had been one of her first friends at U.A. and she hated to see him hurting.

"Don't go." Bakugou's voice was soft, a nice change from his violent way of speaking.

She looked back at Izuku who watched her. Choose me, his eyes said. She could feel her throat closing up as she wanted to cry.

"It's true...." She finally said, her voice barely above a whisper.

"It was an accident at first but then it happened again and then right now," She rushed to explain herself.

"You don't owe him an explanation, Dollface." Bakugou said as he looked at his old childhood friend. Uraraka stiffened a bit at her new nickname.

"I do. I hurt him... it's only fair that I explain why." She continued on. Her voice was firm and Bakugou knew she wouldn't budge. That's one thing he liked about her- she was tough although she fooled mostly everyone with her bubbly exterior. He let go of her wrist and she took a few steps towards Izuku.

"I don't know how it happened, but it did. I'm sorry you had to find out that way... I wish I could've told you. I knew it was going to hurt you so I just avoided it and then this all happened." She gestured between the boys as she explained further.

The room was silent. She looked down at the floor, so full of shame and guilt for hurting Izuku. She knew either way someone was going to get hurt, but she couldn't face it until it hit her in the nose.

"It's okay, Ochako."

She looked up. Izuku was smiling through his tears like he always did. That smile that used to inspire her broke her heart. He wanted her to be happy after she just broke him in half.

"I don't blame you," He grasped one of her hands in his. She heard Bakugou's quiet "Tch."

"Kacchan's always been better.... He's stronger and faster and smarter. I always lose and I've come to accept that. I thought maybe things could change, but I was wrong."

"Izuku...." Her heart broke even more at his testimony. He rubbed her hand with his thumb as he soldiered on.

"Don't worry about me.... I'll be okay. I always am. I just want you to be happy." He looked past her at Bakugou, "You win again Kacchan. You're her special someone, not me."

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